Chapter 3

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Ink Pov
I saw this, this demon on a cloud in front of me. I, of course, freaked out I mean demons are forbidden to come to Heaven and angels are forbidden to go to Hell. I did the only thing I could think of at the time. I took off my sneaker and threw it at him. I tried to contain my laughter as the shoe bounced off his face too in front of him. You should've seen his face!

Error Pov
I don't know if I should laugh with this angel or be pissed at him. I decided to be both. I chuckle and say "Very funny." He then starts looking me over. "I know I'm beautiful and all but it's rude to stare," I say with a smirk. He gives me a confused look and turns his head. His face immediately becomes guarded again as he asks "Who are you, what is your name, and what are you doing here?" I chuckle and say "Woah there, I can answer only one thing at a time and that reminds me ... Why would I tell you?"

Ink Pov
I glare at him as harshly as I can when he "answers" me. He, sadly, only smiles wider. Apparently unfazed by what I thought was a fear-worthy glare. Then I hear a yell so filled with curiosity I couldn't help but try and stop myself from running off and hiding. I saw the boy in front of me flash a scared face and disappear into under the clouds which I can only hope was to the depths of Hell ... but I surprisingly felt ..... pity towards this demon who was obviously running towards the voice. I shake my head of these thoughts and begin to wonder what will become of these events.

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