Do You Know Who We Are?

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Ok. My teacher told us that our art reflects our personality... and well..... she kinda saw my drawings of Mercy and Wolfix's Frisk.... she was horrified. And she scolded me for being so negative in mah drawings. She tried to make me look on the positive side XD but failed. Emphasis on tried.

Then after that, suddenly I became positive. Because of that, my friend told me, "Why are you being positive right now? Ohhhh I get it. You're positivity on the outside is fake while you are hiding your negativity inside." And I was like what.

And lemme ask you guys, is it just me or I'm really obsessed with murderers? Cuz I dunno.

Anyways sorry if it's bad.

Anyways sorry if it's bad

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Otaku Undertale 2004's ArtbookWhere stories live. Discover now