Chapter Four - Everglow

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Jeoffrey spread out a map on the table. The three remaining Horsemen stood around the table, with Alan and Brian squished in between them.

"So the-"

"We haven't even introduced ourselves yet," the one who looked vague interjected. They vague. Like, really vague. You'd forget their face the moment you looked away. "I'm Pestilence."

"I'm War," said the one who Jeoffrey already knew was called War. The brown-red hair one who drank the glowing blue stuff.

"Death," said the black hair one who Jeoffrey now knew was called Death.

"I'm Brian," said Brian.

"Alan." Alan held his hand out. Pestilence nodded and shook it.

"And as I'm sure you all know, my name's-"

"Jeoffrey," everyone finished for him at the exact same time.

"Great." Jeoffrey stared at the map. "So. Where are we heading? Where do we need to end up?"

"First of all-" War pointed to a spot on the north of the map. "This is a cave called [dickfuck cave]. It's full of glowing crystals."

"Great," said Death. "A cave full of glowing rocks. Super cool and useful for finding a specific glowing rock."

"Shut up," said War. "If anyone has stolen the Gaia Stone, they'd want to hide it somewhere where it doesn't stand out. So? A cave full of glowing rocks is perfect."

"Not for us," said Pestilence.

"Shut the fuck up, guys." She pointed to another nearby mark. "This is a point of interest given to me by one of my sources. And-"

Jeoffrey zoned out. He had spent. About five seconds. Being motivated about this.

But now? It seemed like so much thinking and effort and- wait. He could bitch about this later. He had to concentrate right now. Pay attention. Concentrate.

"-and there aren't that many glowing rocks-"

But He didn't want to do this. He wanted to be normal. Why did he have to blamed for everything? Why did his friends have to keep doing things that were only a bit illegal and involving him in it?

"-kill whoever's stolen it, probably-"

Why did he have to pay for things he didn't do? It sucked, and he didn't deserve this. What had he done for all this to happen to him?

Plenty of people have robbed graves without it becoming a meme.

Jeoffrey stepped out the door and turned to Brian and Alan. "What the fuck are we doing?"

"Weren't you listening?" Alan pointed to his bag, which was full of things which looked like it was for a long time. "We're going-"

Shit. Jeoffrey had not taken anything other than about 4 sets of clothes. He didn't have any weapons or food or supplies or water were they going to be gone for a long time Alan looked pretty prepared he had a tent and everything oh god oh god ohgod-

"-about half a day away."

Jeoffrey screamed internally.

"Jeoff? You there, brah?" Alan looked at Jeoffrey. Jeoffrey stared back.

Wait fuck shit he was supposed to respond. "Yeah."

Alan raised an eyebrow. "Sure, brah. Ready to go?"

He nodded and walked down the stairs.

Jeoffrey walked slightly behind Alan and Brian as they held a map.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 24, 2017 ⏰

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