in my time of need..

827 19 2

your pov
my eyes adjusted to the blinding light of the real world, why was i here? why was i alive? what had happened? i touched my lip only to find it scratched and bleeding from the day before, ah right. my father had punched me. he kicked me in the ribs and treated me like a piece of filth, it hurt to breathe. i'm never going to get better.
"wake up shithead!!" my ugly-hearted mother shouted "you fell unconscious you little bitch! wake up before i come in there and do much worse than what your father did you brat!"
with sadness overwhelming my entire body, i had no reason to get up. it's always going to be like this, i'm always going to be called a mistake, i'm not loved by any one, nor will i ever be. i got up and unlocked my door only to face my mom. i was suddenly struck by her palm with her nails scratching my skin making beads of blood form on my now red face. i bit my lip to keep in the scream, because if i even breathed i'd get much worse. my vision was dazed and blurry, i saw the faint figure of my disgusting mother fade away. i closed my door quietly and ran into the bathroom and locking the door urgently, in and instant, i found my self searching for my well-used razor. it was the only thing i could trust.
the searing pain of my skin breaking as i dragged the razor across my skin roughly was unbearable, but in some way it helped, it helped me become more fond of the idea of ending it all. and i was going to do it tonight. "y/n get out of the *hic* bathroom before i fucking kick you again!" shouted my father who was clearly intoxicated. i quickly bandaged my cuts and pulled down my sleeve, and hid the razor. i ran out of the bathroom but i was stopped by a large, filthy hand. "where are you going" my father hissed with the stench of alcohol lingering in his breath. "out." i replied, i used a disrespectful tone with him, i had to prepare myself for a slap, punch, kick, anything! he suddenly spat in my face and pushed me to the floor making me land in one of his empty beer bottles. it had smashed and glass was now buried within my skin. i quickly got up and bowed over, "i-i'm sorry father.." i forced to come out my mouth. i cringed at the word "father". i ran into my room and quickly got changed, i had to get out of this shit head house. i threw on a white sweatshirt (that was oversized so it covered my entire hand apart from my finger tips), black ripped jeans and my black and white converse. i looked in my mirror and cleaned my stinging face from my mother's slap, it wasn't deep but it was still visible. now a purple and pink bruise had began to form around it. this is great, just what i needed. i grabbed my concealer, foundation and all my other make up and started to apply it gently, making an attempt to cover up the cuts my mother had so kindly gave me, i saw my door open while looking in the mirror and i flinched. my mother walked in.
"y-yes mother?" i had managed to mutter
"where are you going shithead?" my mom said while slowly approaching me
"i-i'm going to the...uh... the coffee shop.." i stuttered
"okay shithead, please, don't fucking come back." my mother shouted while walking out of my room slamming the door behind her which caused me to flinch. was my existence that much of a burden? i carried on doing my make up until i had got the look that was right for this outfit, i styled my hair in a half up half down sorta look but with a bun instead of a ponytail, i gathered my keys and my purse then headed out of the house.
the smell of fresh air, it was refreshing, i finally felt like i could breathe. i eventually found my self daydreaming of ways i could escape from my cold, heartless parents.
i didn't acknowledge that i was walking without paying attention. i suddenly crashed into a person. of course it was my fault, i mean obviously it was, i'm a fucking mistake so all i do is make them. i eventually find my balance and apologise to the person i had bumped into, i was so busy picking up his stuff for him that i didn't realised who i had fallen into..

"oh my god. i'm so sorry i'm such a burden, i didn't mean to-" i repeated to the boy but was cut off by myself when i finally looked at him. his gorgeous blue orbs that absorbed the sunlight which made them shimmer like he had held all the stars captive in them. his soft blonde locks which moved perfectly with the wind, his hair fell onto his face just right, he had a heart like shaped face and lips that i wish i could just touch with my own. a blush had spread across my face as i cautiously wiped some of my hair behind my ear.
"how about we start again?" he asked. his voice made me feel relaxed, it was like he was an angel, and i'm pretty sure he was. "i'm mikaela, mikaela hyakuya. it's a pleasure to meet you." he smiled with his head tilted to the right.
"i'm y/n l/n, it's nice to meet you to mikaela." i smiled back. my cheeks felt hot, what was he doing to me. why did i feel like this?
"so y/n, would you like... um.. to maybe hang out?"mikaela blushed while looking away.
"yes, i would love that, mikaela." i said while screaming inside my mind. i loved the way my name sounded when it came from his mouth, i loved talking to him.

eventually, we found ourself at the coffee shop i was heading to in the first place, we got along really well and it wasn't awkward at all. my curfew was coming near, so i had to venture home.
"m-mikaela.." i stuttered while keeping my eyes on the floor.
"yes y/n?" mikaela asked looking concerned,
"i-i have to leave.. my parents.. they set me a- it's a long story.." i said sadly.
"oh..." mikaela frowned. "well y/n, here's my number if you ever need to contact me, please contact me when you can, i'd love to do this again.."
"sure thing..goodbye mikaela..."
"goodbye y/n.."

you found me.. (Loving! Mikaela x Abused! Reader)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora