my love, where did you go?

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"Y/N! Please come back!" Mikaela sobbed in the rain as he fell down to his knees.
What happened to his baby girl?

A few hours earlier..
                                                                                            third person
"Mikaaaaa.." y/n sighed as she swirled her finger around in the petite, blond boys hair.
"Yes princess?" Mikaela replied while he stared into y/n's e/c eyes,
"I'm bored, is there anything we can do?" y/n asked.
"We can just.. stay like this forever?" Mika smiled like an idiot as he moved closer to her and started to tickle and attack her with kisses.
"Ah! Mikaela! Stoppp!" y/n stuttered as she tried to get Mika away from her whilst almost going red from laughter.
"Never!" he shouted in a sweet way as he continued to attack her.
"M-Mika!" she screamed and she pushed him off of her and giggled, "I asked you to stop.." she whispered as she playfully frowned.
"I'm sorry, I-I didn't mean to.." Mika pouted and looked at the floor.
"Aw, you're so gullible!" y/n giggled as she placed her finger under his chin and lifted his head up, pressing her lips softly against his pale, plump ones. he smiled into the kiss and kissed you back softly, their lips moved in sync as Mikaela pulled away.
"Actually.. there is something we can do! Let's go to bed and watch movies all day!" he smiled and instantly it lit up the whole room, his smile radiated warmth and love. that's what y/n loved about it.
"Yes please!" y/n gave him a smile in return as Mika stood up and offered her his hand.
"Come now princess."
"Why thank you, my prince."
Y/n smiled as she placed her hand in his soft, perfect hand and stood up. with their fingers entwined, they both walked into Mikaela's pleasing, relaxing room. Y/n flopped onto the bed while her loved searched for some entertaining movies.
"Hm.. any ideas of what you wanna watch?" Mika asked as he looked at her with his large, blue eyes that had seemed to capture all the stars ever formed in them, they were beautiful. y/n could get lost in them for hours on end and never get bored of it.
"Y/nnnnn?" Mikaela stared at her as she woke up from her daydream. "Y/n, you zoned out, is everything okay?"
It's perfect, everything was perfect.
"I'm fine Mika, and whatever movie you want to watch, i don't mind" she smiled as she laid down on the bed and stared at the ceiling.
Y/n's phone started to vibrate as she had gotten texts from her parents;
"Y/n! Where the fuck are you? Get the fuck home right now shit head or i'll fucking kill you!"
"Shit head get home!"
"Fucking come home right now or i'll rip your face off!"
8 missed calls from "Mom"
Oh shit. why now? of all times why now?
"M-Mika.. i need to leave.." she stuttered as she started to cry softly.
"Y/n? I thought? Have your parents said anything?" he asked as he looked at her in concern and immediately ran over to her to comfort her. she pushed him off of her and looked at him with tears seeping out of her eyes. she ran out into the cold, rainy night and shielded her eyes from the rain. Mika shot up and ran after her, flinching because of the fusion between the wind and rain. Y/n kept running and didn't care about anything, she needed to get away from Mikaela so he wouldn't get hurt, she was just a lost cause, there was no point anymore. not even mikaela could save her this time. y/n had come to a main road.
"Y/N!!" Mika had screamed as you looked in front of you to see a speeding car heading straight towards you.
a blood-curdling scream filled the air as mika ran over to you with tears streaming down his face.

"Y/N! Please come back!" Mikaela sobbed in the rain as he fell to his knees.

What happened to his baby girl?

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