
142 24 15

Strange the rearrange
                                    of lines and stops,
their breaks / relations -
a comma dashes,
a semi-colon pulls in its tail:

something I called the present
is past  - as if wings burred away
when I came out to sit,
or I heard the snick of an
oiled gate
                  lock or unlock.

There are broken and unbroken lines
of course where yarrows* fall
or three coins smack flat,
                                       tintinabulate -
one rolls crazily away;

but none of this is oracular,
any more than three little finches
high in the milky thorn

sunlit now against a divine sky
under swift-sickle fly-bys,
tweeting are prophets.


*People use three yarrow sticks (or coins) to do the I Ching. A text used for divination. Very popular in the Seventies

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