The Move

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I stared around, in my soon to be, old room. I hated that I was leaving this house, my childhood home. Having to leave, so soon? Without a notice? I mean I guess I got a heads up, with all the arguing, and physical fighting. I guess you could call that a notice.

My mother stepped into my room, caught me daydreaming. "You ready Cammy?"(Cammy was nickname my mom gave me, short for Cameron) I finished scaning my room then looked back at my mom to give her a nod. I grabbed the last box, that was sitting in the middle of the floor, and handed it to her. "Here you go, last one." She took it from my hands and headed downstairs. I started to walk out but before I closed the door i took one last look. I pulled out my camera and took a picture. Closing the door cherishing the image in my mind for a good five seconds.


come on now, its time to go!", my mom shouted from the front door. I ran down the stairs and through the front door. My mom locked the house and put the key in the safe box attached to the knob.
I got into the passenger seat and waited for my mom to get in to leave. Before we left I took one good picture of the house, it's self.
"You ready to leave?" Mom said starting up the engine. "I mean I guess." I said, but in reality I never was really ready to leave this house.

I looked in the backseat to make sure Eli was buckled up with Groot (our chocolate lab) who was laying his head across her lap.

Eli is, hmm.. well Eli is Eli. She is a social butterfly. She likes to met new people and make new friends. She has an instant connection with people I wish I had. I trust her very much. I feel I rub off on her too much though. Maybe I'm way to open with her, yeah maybe its that. She's my diary, she doesn't tell anyone any of my serects that I tell her and she always tells me she loves me. Eli is only ten and has been through a lot, but she's a tough little bean.

Well Groot his a nice chocolate lab. We got him about ten months ago, when he was just a puppy. His still young. As soon as we got him I knew he was perfect. He was super sweet, but not very sociable dog, I guess. He hated seeing me in pain or harms way. He loves me and Eli very much. He has never harmed us in any way.

I love Eli and Groot very much they are my world. My everything. They've been through so much and have always been there for me.

My mom, Violet Marleen King, shes been through way more then us three combined. She's a strong women, I dont see how she does it. Everything seems easier when she does it or handles it.

My dad and Shelby are another story...

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