Chapter 13: Steel Sword

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Faust was laid to rest the day he died. I still remember the way Rean hopped up from her chair when we came in, only to curl into a sobbing ball when she saw only the sword. Rosa was equally as mournful about it all. Hell, Rafael seemed saddened by it. Sometimes, I will find Delsair just staring out at nothing, his expression and emotionless. All I can do during those times is hug him.

Two days later, we are all finally exchanging some words. I still haven't slept properly. The memory haunts me. The way Gravo tortured him, the sound of metal tearing through flesh, it stays with me and won't go away. I watched a friend die and did nothing. I was powerless.

"Did you get the blood from him, Delsair?" Rean asks with almost little interest.

"I couldn't bring myself to do it," Delsair replies as he stirs his soup, gazing into the porcelain bowl with distant eyes.

"I did," Rafael says. "Your general told me about the plan."

"Thank you," he mumbles.

Annoyance runs through my veins. Standing up, I slam my fist down on the table. Everyone looks at me as if I have gone crazy. Honestly, I think I have. "Rafael, you said you would teach me to fight. Do it."

"You have all of us. Why do you need to fight?" Rafael asks.

"I'm tired of being powerless and having others protect me. I want to protect myself and be able to save others. I watched Faust die. I won't let it happen to anyone else," I tell him.

"This dinner just got a lot more interesting," I hear Galid whisper to Josephine, who punches him in the thigh.

"Have you gone insane?" Josephine nearly yells. "We are dealing with a mage who has had years of experience with magic and weaponry. Also, it takes years to master basic swordsmanship!"

"I'll teach you," Rafael says, ignoring Josephine entirely.


"Rafael!" Josephine snaps.

"No, I was joking," he snorts, once again disregarding his mother. "I don't feel like eating. Do you?"


"If you'll excuse us, Prince Forarte, I have your fiancee to train."

"You're allowing this?" Josephine yells to Delsair.

"I do not see a problem," he replies. "She better not get hurt, Rafael."

"Is mild bruising okay, or are you only allowed to do that?" Rafael asks with a sadistic grin.

"I do not know whether you eluded to domestic violence or something else," Delsair replies with a scowl. "I would like her returned how she left."

"Unharmed and a virgin. Yes, sir," Rafael says. "C'mon, Princess Penelope. Your twiggy arms aren't going to grow muscles on their own."

"You're not funny," I say as I try to suppress a grin.

"I find myself amusing," he says as he walks off.

Delsair grabs my hand before I can leave. "Be careful."

"Do not worry about me," I reassure him.

Delsair pulls me closer and kisses me deeply in front of everyone. Wow. This is kind of nice. When we part, I wipe the corner of my mouth and grin sheepishly.

"Keep kissing her like that and she'll mysteriously end up pregnant," Rafael jokes.

"You know what? I like him," Delsair says to me. "He is quite the comedian."

"I didn't know you appreciated lewd jokes," I say.

A small grin appears on his face at long last. "I love a good joke, milady."

"We are going to get along swimmingly then," Rafael says with a dramatic bow. "Your Royal Highness of Sanfellios, you, I, and the world is not getting any younger. Stop getting to know the guy you agreed to marry and let's go stab things." Josephine glares at him. "Educationally."

"You're unbelievable," I mutter as I join him.

"Like a unicorn. I am mystical and-"

"If this is going to turn out lewd..."

"I will stop then."

We walk out to the side of the palace. The huge open area gives us a lot of room to move. Rafael must have really scavenged around the palace to know where the best training ground is. Not suspicious at all.

"You seem rather happy today," I say as I take the sword he hands to me.

"You noticed?" he chuckles. "I got thinking about Gravo. Honestly, I like our chances. Yes, he is a powerful mage who can torture and kill people, but we just need one more thing and we can pretty much build the sword."

"Where do you plan to get the silver and dragon?" I ask him.

"The church and I know a guy."

"A guy...?"

"Who is friends with a dragon."

"I am beginning to like your connections."

"It gets worse."

"Oh, come on!" I groan.

"I am not allowed in the Church of the Holy."

"What did you do?"

"Totally did not seduce a nun."


"The confession booth isn't holy anymore," he says with an amused grin.

"So are you doing to teach me to fight?" I change the subject.

"Yeah. Unsheath the sword."

I pull the sword out of its casing and admire the beautiful blade. "Wow...."

"Throw the sheath anywhere. It's already banged up to hell," Rafael tells me. I can tell he is holding back a sick reference from earlier.

I toss the sheath aside and continue admiring the sword, feeling how it fits in my hand almost naturally. It almost scares me.

"Are you sure you wanna do this?" he asks me.

"Of course," I reply. This is for Faust and Sanfellios. I will be the strongest damn queen this world has ever seen. I will kill Gravo for all that he is done. I am Penelope Embolar of Sanfellios, rightful heir of the throne, and I swear on my name and honor that I will restore the peace and build a world that I can be proud of. A world where makes can live in peace. A world without Gravo.


Author's Note:

Sorry for the short chapter. There is literally no excuse as to why it is this short. It ended naturally for me right here. I will add a longer chapter to make up for this one. Also, writing the last chapter left me emotionally drained. Did not want to do that. So, to ease some pain, comedy! Thank you all for reading and supporting my writing. Have a good day!

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