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Chapter 2: Aya?

Dio's P.O.V

It had been seven long torturous years. The day I burned that god forsaken house down is one I will never forget; especially the look on Aya's face as she, Maria, and Snowball fled. She turned to me and the look in her eyes showed hesitance, it seemed like she was considering staying. She was so young. Too young to have seen what she did.

After the house was burned down I expected to collapse, feel myself become a corpse again. Nothing. The house was rebuilt very soon after. It's very much the same. I won't go into detail, but the only real difference is the furniture placement and the books are all much more modern.

I've spent the last seven years cowering. Hiding. Every time I open my eyes I expect to see him. Aya's psychotic father standing over to me, waiting to finish what he started.

I was sitting in the library, staring at the door. I blinked my eye as I had zoned out and not refreshed it several minutes. Suddenly I heard a sound; walking... The pitter patter of shoes walking across the wood floor.

No... Oh God no... I mentally begged. Don't come in...

I just knew it was that horrid man. He was coming back. I want to run or hide or anything, but I was frozen. I couldn't make myself move. My body was shaking and I held my breath as the door was pushed open.

There, standing in the doorway was a familiar face. It was Aya...

"Y-You..?" Aya asked in her soft voice. She took a small step back as I stood from where I sat on a table in the room.

"Well, Hello Aya..." I said. My voice was smooth though my hands were still shaking. I took the moment to look at her. Examining her features, but stopping above her chest out of respect. She still had the same, innocent look to her eyes. It was refreshing to see. Her features were still the same ones I remembered, just more grown up.

"Hello..." She replied slowly, her voice was unsure. Did she not know I wouldn't hurt her by now? I was never sure if it had been wrong of me to fall in love with a little girl, but now she was older.

"Dio," I told her. "My name is Dio."

"Dio." She repeated, a small smile coming to her pink lips. I returned the smile with one that I suppose showed some kind of 'joy'.

"What are you-" I cut myself off. That was rude. "Why don't you sit?" I offered, motioning to the small sofa that sat in the cleared area of the library. It was a deep velvet green color with gold designs, dramatic, to say the least. I watched her nod and make her way over to the sofa. I leaned against the wall, watching her. I could have joined her, but I wanted to give her space.

"Why is the house back?" I heard her ask. The truth was, I wasn't sure. Yeah, it had been rebuilt, but I didn't know why. And I hated being unable to answer her question.

"I'm not sure..." I sighed, looking up at the ceiling. I could picture the flames indulging the house. I imagined the end actually coming. The scariest part was, I wasn't afraid of it.

"What are you looking at?" I suddenly heard a voice speak up. When I looked back at Aya she was staring at the ceiling.

"Nothing, Aya..." I told her gently. After a moment of silence I sighed and pushed myself off the wall, going over to her. I slowly kneeled down in front of her, taking her delicate hands in mine. "You know, it isn't safe here, for you I mean..." I told her softly.

"What do you mean?" Aya asked, a felt her loose grip on my hands tighten slightly. Was she afraid now? The last thing I wanted was to scare her.

"I mean-". I couldn't make her leave. Not after I had seen her again. "I mean, I'll keep you safe while you're here." I said, sure she wouldn't stay much longer once she got whatever it was she was doing here done.

"Really?" She asked. She smile on her face was priceless.

"Of course." I told her sincerely, slowly standing and letting go of her little hands and slowly standing.

"So, you'll look around with me?" She asked. What was I supposed to do? It was getting late and night was when the worst of her father's things they called "dolls" walked around the home.

"Sure," I found myself saying. As long as she stayed with me they wouldn't bother her. She stood and started toward the door. I grabbed her arm lightly before she turned the doorknob and she turned her head to look at me. "Don't wander off." I warned her. She nodded timidly, opening the door and slipping her hand into mine as I released her arm.

This was going to be a long night...


A/N: another short chapter! Yay? Idek. Anyway, things will start picking up in the next chapter if things go as planned c: don't worry. Haha. Anyway, later!

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