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Chapter 3: Disappearing

Dio's P.O.V

"So," I began, trying to make conversation. "Where's Maria? Why didn't she come with you?" To tell the truth, I wasn't very fond of Maria, but she had saved little Aya, I could at least ask.

"She died." Aya said. The dimness, indifference in her voice was... Chilling. On the moment I didn't hear my sweet Aya, but her cruel father. I tried to ignore the chilling thought, quickly speaking again.

"That's too bad," I said. "Have you been getting along alright on your own?"

"Fine," she said, the innocence in her voice had returned. "I came to burry Snowball, he died last night while I was sleeping." She explained.

Our friendly conversation was cut short when we heard footsteps that weren't our own, following a good distance behind us. I knew it was one of the dolls Aya's father had created that had managed to survive the fire. I knew Aya heard it too because her hand tensed around mine. I let my hand gently snake around her waist, pulling her against my side and letting her pick up speed a bit.

"Dio..." I heard her tiny voice squeak out.

"You're okay..." I reassured her. As we reached her bedroom I felt her pace quicken even more until we were in the room and she slammed the door. I watched her carefully as she stepped forward into her old bedroom. If only I knew what she was thinking, make sure she wasn't too afraid.

Aya's P.O.V

I stood there, my old room. It... It wasn't mine. I could handle the new bed, dresser, chest. It was when my eyes hit the small table near the wall. The spot where my mother's picture once sat. It wasn't there. It had burned. It had burned to the ground with the rest if that damned place.

I felt his eyes on me. Dio, he was watching me. Waiting for a reaction. I let my fist form balls at my sides. "Did it burn?" I asked.

"What..?" He answered me with a question, obviously confused.

"The basement... Did it burn down?" I repeated, feeling my body start to shake slightly.

"O-Only part of it..." The hesitation in his voice was noticeable but in that moment it didn't matter. Everything. Every happy memory of mom and Snowball and... And even father and Maria, gone. Gone...

Dio's P.O.V

I watched as Aya fell to her knees, her shoulders moved as she whimpered. I let myself slowly walk over. The creak in the floor was gone now so I think I scared her a bit when I kneeled down, watching her jump slightly when I grabbed her hands, forcing her fists to release the air they held.

She was cry. No, not crying. She was sobbing. I don't know if she cried after she left the house. To be honest, I don't think she did. Aya had been so young at the time, it wasn't fair that she had to see what she did. It had probably sent her into shock.

At any rate, in that moment I saw every ounce of pain her father had put her though, dripping down her face and onto our hands, slipping off and soaking into the wood of the floor.

"Aya..." I whispered, not sure what to tell her to ease the pain. I sighed softly, gently letting her hands go and shifting so I sat comfortably on the floor. My hands gently grabbed her arms, pulling her up against me. I watched as she curled up against me, chocking and wheeling.

"Why?" I heard her mumbled. "Why? ... why? ... Why?" I listened to her voice fade as she spoke, breaking every once in awhile.

"Shh..." I hushed, trying to rock the shaking girl. She was still small, but much bigger than the little girl I could have easily held in my lap 7 years before.

I'm sure a good deal of time had passed and I just didn't realize, wrapped up in my thoughts of all that had happened, was happening, would happen. I looked down and realized Aya had fallen asleep. I didn't blame her. It had grown dark only a bit after she arrived. I let one of my hands light brush over her pink cheeks, trying to wipe her tears away without bothering her.

I smiled lightly. I had never been one to watch Aya, therefore this had been my first time seeing her so relaxed. She didn't move much when she slept. I gently slipped my arms under her, moving her to the bed and covering her up. There was room for me though I decided against it. I turned and sat on the floor by the bed, leaning against it.

I saw a pair of eyes peak into the room, a young doll. I shook my head at her and the quickly closed the door, the fade of her foot steps leaving the hall.

I stared at the door for a few hours, finally blinking when I heard soft shifting behind me, not realizing the trance I had been in. I turned my head to see Aya slowly sitting up. "Dio..?" He sleepy voice asked. I gave her a small smile.

"Hey... What are you doing up?" I asked. "It just past midnight... You should be asleep." I told her.

"Why are you up?" She asked.

"Just...couldn't sleep." I lied. I watched as she slowly got up with the light blanket from the bed. She sat next to me, letting the blanket fall around our shoulders. "Ay-" I was stopped.

"You should sleep too..." She told me. I smiled, watching as she quickly went back to sleep before dozing off myself.


The large clock that stood in the hall struck 3 am as it did every night. Aya slowly woke. She wasn't sure what she heard, or if she was hearing anything at all. She felt like a little girl again. Father must be busy... She thought to herself, slowly getting up and leaving the room. She walked down the hall, to her luck, no dolls saw her, or at least they didn't seem to. Aya made her way down to the main entry and through the door that led to the basement.

She was on her way down a long, pitch black corridor when the sound she had been following, the sound of her father working, stopped. She stopped with it before crumpling to the ground, as if she had fallen asleep again.

Dio woke only moments later, realizing the warmth beside him had vanished.


A/N: so, so, so, so, so sorry this is so late! I don't really know exactly how I got so busy and this kept slipping my mind. But, I got a comment this morning and promised myself this would be my next update. (Thank you to that person, I apologize I don't remember your username :c). All the same I tried to make this chapter longer, though I know it isn't by much. I wore this in my History and Geometry classes since we had extra time. Again, very very sorry, I'll try to update this more since more people seem to enjoy it than "The Last Christmas." Lol

Comment and stuff, I love hearing from people who are actually able to read what I write because I know it's a mess but this is just meant to be fun so proof reading rarely happens (oops)

See ya~

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