Chapter 4: Father?

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Dio's P.O.V

Shit. Shit. Shit.

I tore out of the room, trying to compose myself as I slowed to a quick, and looking back on it probably panicked looking, walk. I glanced back and forth as a passed doll after doll. A few looked at me curiously, others ignored my familiar presents. It was the few. The few that seemed to smile that made my skin crawl, my panic raise. A tried to keep composure as a went down the hall, opening door after door. "Aya?" I would call softly, no answer each time. I walked in to a few dolls once or twice though they all seemed to be doing their own mindless parading around.

Every room... I thought to myself, standing in the entry room between two staircases, looking around desperately. I've checked every room...

I gulped, my eyes falling on the partially cracked open door to the basement. No... Aya wouldn't... I had to check. I went to the door and pulled it open slowly, trying to muffle the creek. I grabbed a lantern off the wall, turning up the oil up until I got a bright enough light to see a good deal in front of me. A slowly began my descent, careful of any still charged or rotting wood. Could Aya have fallen through the stairs? Maybe... I began keeping an eye out for Aya sized holes, though found none.

As I reached the base of the stairs and turned the corner I saw a shadow of a figure laying on the ground. I took a few cautious steps forward before realizing it was Aya. I quickly bolted forward, running over and sliding a little when I hit my knees before setting the lantern down. My hand carefully slipped behind her back, sitting her up as I pulled her so she was sitting on my knees rather than the cold floor. "Aya..." I spoke softly but firmly, patting her soft cheek lightly with free hand. I had to repeat her name several times before she groaned softly and, thankfully, began to shift in my arms.

"Father...?" She spoke weakly. Had she been dreaming about him?

"No Aya," I told her softly, trying not to take offense to her calling me the title of him. "Your father isn't here... You're safe..." I tried to reassure her, brushing the hand I had used to pay her cheek up a little, tucking some of her hair back away from her forehead.

"Oh..." She whispered weakly. "Dio... Where are we?" She asked in her sweet, sleepy voice.

"N-No where." I forced myself to lie to her. "Go on back to bed... Everything will be okay." I whispered, trying to keep her calm, making my voice a little more soothing.

"Okay..." She said softly. "Thank you for protecting me..." She added as her eyes started trying to flutter shut. Soon her head limply lulled back. I sighed, gathering her up in my arms, slipping my second arm under the bend of her knees. I managed to pick the lantern, holding with my hand under her knees as they rested over my forearm with ease. I found myself watching her sleep as we walked upstairs and slowly down the hall.

I didn't exactly do a very good job of 'protecting' you, did I?
I guess I was able to hold the fear at bay when I was alone
But since you came back things are changing...
I fight now to protect someone tied by fate.

I lightly pressed my cold lips to her forehead after laying her back in the bed, carefully covering her up again before taking my place, sitting on the floor, guarding the bed hold Aya, like a treasure chest cradling it's fine gold and jewels.


So aha... It's Uh- it's been awhile... And this is really short... Don't kill me please! I wrote this very quickly because I knew that if I didn't I would just put it off more. I'm trying to do better, honest I am.... Still, I hope you enjoyed at least it cleared up the cliffhanger. See you next time!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 26, 2015 ⏰

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