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King barked at Rose because she was gaining on him, King started to go faster, he let out a low warning growl.

Rose only chuckles to herself, she tried to take a shortcut but she was cut off. King laughed in his head, he tried to run even faster but he knew that Edward was catching up.

King saw a long and jumped over it, landing back on his paws he stopped as Edward flew himself into a tree.

He laughed again and started to run, he was almost at the house whenever baseballs started to fly.

One hit him but he shook it off, he saw the small bell that he had to use, he stopped and jogged over to it, grabbing the string, he pulled it until the game was over.

Esme gave him clothes to change into, King walked to the back of the house where there was a tree, Esme set them down and then left.

King changes back to his human form, he got dressed quickly.

He walked back to the front of the house, "that was a good game" he told them and walked over to Rose and kissed her, "Sorry baby but I just had to win" Rose hit his arm but buried her head into his shoulder.

"Your fast man" Emmett said "but I think that I did hit you once" King laughed "yeah you did" he said and showed everyone the mark on his ribs.

"Ouch" Emmett said laughing "it will heal" King said "now how about some food cause honestly I'm starving" he said as everyone laughs.

"Of course your are" Esme said "there food on the table." King nodded his head and Jim's ms Rose walked into the living room.

King stopped and looked at the pack. "What are you doing here?" He asked them, Sam got up off his seat.

"We need to talk" he said and King nodded his head. "Why haven't you come back home?" Sam asked him "we are your pack" King crossed his arms.

"I've been here, at my home" he told him, Sam looked at his best friend "I thought we came to an agreement?" King laughed.

"Yes we did, but I am spending time with my family."

"We are also your family!" Sam's voice got louder, "we are your family" King raised an eyebrow "I'm spending time with my imprint" he said.

"Do you even know what Anna is doing?" Sam asked him "what the rest of us are?" King stayed quite "you don't have a clue because you haven't been home for FOUR months!" Sam started to yell.

"Do not yell at me" King said, Sam looked at his fiend. "I forbid for you to come home" Sam said "to see your pack and your sister" King stared at him in shock.

"You can't do that!" He yelled, before Sam left he don't said one thing. "Family don't turn their backs on family."

Sam and the rest of the pack gave King and the Cullens a glare. "I'm gong out" King said and ran out of the door and into the woods.

Rose looked at her family and sighed, she ran out of the door trying to find King.


Have you all missed me? I'm doing shorter chapters because I can't really do long ones and I have decided to remake the first chapter.

Thank you for reading!


Bye loves,


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