two-the river

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(two—the river)

The woods were calming for King, he loved the woods even as a little boy. He remembers whenever him and his family had a hike or just went on a adventure.

King walked over to a ledge and howled at the moon, he sat there looking at the forest.

He heard a twig snap and got up off his sitting position but he calmed down once he realised that it was Rose.

Rose smiled at her mate, she sat down beside him. "I know that you probably don't want to talk but I'm here for you" she told him. King relaxed under her touch.

There was one single howl, King knew that it was his sister and the news was broken to her.

King howled again and he looked at Rose "sleep" she told him "I'll be here in the morning" King nodded his head and closed his eyes.

His mind went blank and he feel into a peaceful sleep.


King woke up in the Cullen's house in Roses bed, he yawns and gets out of bed.

He grabbed sweatpants and a hoodie and walked downstairs to the kitchen. "Have a good sleep?" Rose asked him, King nodded his head and sat down beside her kissing her.

"Morning King" Emmett said with a smirk. King only rolled his eyes. "What are you smirking at?" King asked his brother.

"Rose had to carry you" Emmett burst out laughing "carry you and the best part was you were still in your work form!" King only rolled his eyes but soon tried to hide a small smile himself.

Carlisle, Jasper and Alice walked into the house. "Who's up for a game of baseball tonight?" King raised an eyebrow.

"Baseball?" He asked them, "vampires love baseball?" Rose nodded her head.

"Of this should be good" King said smirking, Emmett smirked as well.

"It will be good" Rose only rolled her eyes at the two boys. "Bella is coming as well" Rose snapped her head to Alice.

"Edward is asking her" Rose groaned and King laughed at her. "So you don't like her?" Rose nodded her head.

"I hate her" Rose told him "Rose!" Esme scolded at her daughter "what, I don't like her. She's going to get us in trouble with the volturi."

"The who now?" Emmett laughed at King "they rule over every vampire" Rose told him "we were doing fine and then Bella had to appear she's going to get us killed!"

"How about we go somewhere Hm?" Rose nodded her head. "I'll race you the river!" Rose yelled as King smirked "I'll get there first!"

King • R.Hale       (2)   (on hold) Where stories live. Discover now