three-killing the mood

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(three—killing the mood )

Tonight was the night that the Cullen's were going to be playing baseball. King was excited but was also very nervous.

"So why do vampires play baseball in the thunder?" Rose only laughed at him "you'll see" she said, King but inside of his lip.

"Will I?" He said and then kissed her, Rose moaned into the kiss. King put his hands underneath her legs.

He lifted her up and placed her onto the bed. They didn't stop the heated kiss, but someone did it for them.

"Hey Kin—omg my poor eyes!" Emmett yelled, King broke the kiss and rolled his eyes "get out!" Rose yelled as Emmett nodded his head.

King then bursts out laughing and rolled off of Rose and to the other side of the bed. Rose started to laugh at King.

King eventually stopped laughing and then got up off his seat. "I'm going to go see what he wanted" King kissed Rose again, Rose then ran a hand through his hair.

King broke the kiss with a grin on his face. He found Emmett in the kitchen complaining to Jasper.

"Emmett you've just got to knock, simple as" King said "and then you won't run into a heated makout session" Emmett hit his arm.

"I am scared for life, man" Emmett told him "well if it makes you feel any better, you killed our mood" Emmett just ran away from King yelling "I don't want to hear it!"

Jasper and King just laughed at their brother, "but he did" Jasper laughed even harder which caused Alice to come into the kitchen with Esme.

"What is going on here?" Alice asked her mate who just burst out laughing. "Well, Emmett killed our mood" Alice then giggled and Esme only rolled her eyes, as she walked back into the living room.

"He did!" King yelled to Esme, King then turned to Jasper and Alice.

"Was it something that I said?" Alice and Jasper laughed even harder.

King ran back up to Rose who raised an eyebrow. "What happened down there?" King chuckles "I kept saying to your family that 'Emmett killed our mood' and Jasper couldn't stop laughing and now Alice can't either and Esme, well poor Esme having to deal with us" Rose walked past King and locked the door.

She pushed him onto the bed and started to kiss him. She took off her shirt and King kissed her.

They moved onto the centre of the bed and King took of his clothes. Rose ran her hand through his hair.

Everything was quiet in the house.

Everyone went out hunting.


I don't really like this but anyway.

Thank you for reading,



Bye loves


King • R.Hale       (2)   (on hold) Where stories live. Discover now