Chapter 2

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Me-hey everyone we are back with some more truth or dares is everyone ready


Me-ok first we have a dare from AphmausChunclaGurl for Garroth


Me-your dare is to kiss Laurence

Laurence-Garroth, bro please

Garroth-sorry bro

Garroth walks up to Laurence and pecks him on the cheek

Me-#da best bromance

Garroth goes and sits back down

Me-ok next is katelyn kiss kill or marry Aphmau, Garroth or Travis

Katelyn-kill Garroth duh, kiss Aphmau and marry Travis?

Garroth-hey why kill me?

Katelyn-because your dumb

Travis- so Katelyn...

Katelyn-don't even think about it or my fist will be in you face before....


Katelyn-fine s..sorry Travis

Aph-much better

Laurence-can we move on now


Me-ok I think we have time for 1 or 2 more truth or dares but

All-but what?

Me-someone will be joining us for the end of this chapter






Aph-werewolf thing

Me-ok can we get on with the truth or dares


Me-ok next we have a dare for Garroth and Daniel

Daniel-cool what is it?

Me-Daniel you have to break 10 doors before Garroth breaks 10 windows

Garroth-I've broken doors before but never windows

Me-we are starting in 3,2,1 and go!

1 minute later

Me-and the winner is Daniel


Daniel-yay! Good job Garroth

Garroth-you too

Daniel-d...did I do good alpha?

Aaron-yes Daniel, you did good

Me-well should we end it here


Me-ok than bye everyone


Thank you all so much I hope you enjoyed our 2 chapter of truth or dare goodbye and see you all next time.

-Galaxy out

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