Chapter 8

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Me-oh sorry

Aph-what you giggling for?

Me-no reason

Aaron-you'll probably have to tell her or she's going to get curious

Me-yeah but she'll find out soon enough

Aph-fine ._.

Me-ok first up we have a dare @djcraftergirl21 for Zane and Aphmau


Me-yeah I know ok your dare is to wear each other's clothes and act like each other for the rest of the chapter

Aph & Zane-WUT!!!

Me-hehe yup

Time skip>>>>>><<<<<<
Zane and Aphmau change

Aph-you all suck

Travis-wow Aph great impression of Zane


Me-ok next is Garroth truth or dare

Garroth-you know what let's go with dare

Me-ok you dare is to scream baby brother off the roof and Zane can't do anything about it


Zane-oh don't be such a baby


Laurence-wow you are really good at this Aph

Aph-thanks I guess

Me-ok Laurence truth or dare?


Me-do you like Lucinda?

Laurence-*blushes slightly* kinda


*poofs Lucinda*

Lucinda-hey do you need me to kiss Laurence or something again

Me-no Laurence was just going to confess to you


Laurence-WHAT, GAL!

Lucinda-confess to me for what

Laurence-um I....I I like you

Lucinda walks up to Laurence and kisses him then poofs away.

Me-ok then next is Aphmau

Aph-why me?

Me-you are so good at this anyway truth or dare?


Me-ok if you had to choose as Zane kiss, kill or marry KC, Aaron or Garroth

Aph-kill Garroth, kiss Aaron and marry KC

Aaron-but Zane just saying I would never EVER kiss you

Zane-glad we feel the same way but she is right I would kill Garroth and marry KC because I don't want to marry you

Aaron-good because I don't want to marry you either

Me-ok how about we do one more


Me-Katelyn truth or dare?


Me-your dare is to play 7 minutes in heaven with

Katelyn-please don't say



A room appears

Me-get in

Katelyn-UGH FINE

In 7 minutes of heaven



Travis kisses Katelyn and Katelyn doesn't stop but returns the kiss

5 minutes had passes and they stopped for a breath


Travis cuts Katelyn off and kisses her again

They stopped and both of them blushing tomato red

Galaxy opens the doors and let's them out

Me-so did anything happen between you two

Travis & Katelyn-N...NO!

Me-hehe ok fine and I guess let's end it here


Zane-can we change back now


Thank you all so much I would like to say a big thank you to djcraftergirl21, infamouslynotfamous, __-Rainbow-__ and AphmausChanclaGurl for either sharing what they thought or cool truth or dare ideas that they wanted to see in this book thank you.

-Galaxy out

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