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The dining hall very quickly erupted into chaos. Or what constituted as chaos in Auradon, which was mostly just everyone speaking louder than would be considered polite indoors.

Fairy Godmother's voice rose above the noise of the students. "I know this is a shock for you all," she started, silencing everyone immediately with the authority in her tone. "But we must respect the prince's decision."

"Like hell we do," Lilian mumbled from beside Charlotte.

"Please, do not let this announcement disrupt your lessons," Fairy Godmother continued. "We will be holding an assembly the day before they arrive, and I expect all of you to show up for it."

With that she walked away from where she had been standing at the front of the room, returning to her seat at the staff table.

"This is insane," Lilian said, speaking more quietly than she normally would. Fairy Godmother was infamous for her hearing, especially of conversations that had been forbidden. "Are we expected to just forgiving the villain's for what they've done?"

"But it's not the villains coming here, it's their kids," Lonnie pointed out.

Charlotte rolled her eyes. "And how do you think they've been raised?" she said, looking pointedly at her friend. "They would have been taught evil since birth."

"People can change," Lonnie said, but even she sounded sceptical.

The bell for first period rung before the conversation could continue. The girls all left their plates where they were and grabbed their bags, walking out of the dining hall together. Lonnie and Lilian both turned right, waving at the other two girls as they left.

Charlotte and Crystal walked to Mathematics in silence. The blonde realised that Crystal hadn't said a word since the announcement had been made.

"Are you okay?" she asked her friend.

Crystal looked at her with a smile that Charlotte didn't buy for a second. "I'm fine," she said unconvincingly, but Charlotte decided to not pry further. She had faith that when Crystal was ready she would tell her what was bothering her.

As they walked into the classroom, around a dozen students were gathered around one desk. Both girls looked confusedly at each other and started to walk towards their usual seats.

When they passed the group Charlotte saw what was so interesting: Ben was sitting at the desk.

She felt an itch to join the crowd and start throwing questions at him (the first one in her mind being "are you crazy?") but knew it would be pointless. There was no way she could get to the front of the crowd without getting violent, something that would result in no answers and at least one detention.

Deciding to focus on the positives of the day she realised that because Audrey and her group were all part of the mob they hadn't stolen the good seats.

When the teacher walked in and told all the students to sit down, the daughter of Sleeping Beauty gave Charlotte a dirty look after discovering her sitting in the seat by the windows.

Charlotte smiled sweetly back as Crystal snorted from beside her.

Audrey huffed and went to sit beside Ben but found the seat occupied. Charlotte got far too much pleasure from seeing Audrey being forced to sit in the front row.

As the class started, Charlotte found herself unable to concentrate. She knew why Audrey had claimed this seat at the start of the year; it gave the best view of the back of Ben's head.

With her eyes constantly falling on the prince she couldn't help but think about his insane idea.

What was he thinking, letting the children of some of the worst villains come to Auradon? And what was wrong with his parents for going along with it?

She felt thankful that none of the Tremaine's would be coming (yet, a voice in her head whispered) but what about those students who were going to be forced to see the children of the people who tried to destroy their parents.

Aziz, she knew, would pretend that he was unaffected by the child of Jafar walking around campus, but Charlotte had known him since before either of them could speak. He had accidentally found out about what Jafar had done to his mother a few years ago and he hadn't been the same since.

The many daughters of Snow White definitely wouldn't be okay if their sobs from the announcement were anything to go by, and the children of the various dwarves hadn't looked much better.

Herkie hadn't been at breakfast but there was no way he would be okay with this. Charlotte wasn't close enough to him to ask how he was feeling but she had vivid memories of him violently throwing up after a history lesson about all of Hades' criminal acts.

Audrey was a wild card; she was playing it cool and Charlotte didn't know the princess well enough to know whether it was genuine or not, but surely it must have been affecting her in some way.

Let alone what all their parents would feel. She had no idea whether they already knew or if they were yet to be notified, but Charlotte knew there would be outcry over this.

The Isle of the Lost being created was known as one of King Adam's greatest achievements, if not the greatest. Those powerful rulers would not let some inhabitants of the Isle come to Auradon without a fight, and they would fight hard.

Charlotte almost snorted at the thought of the King's office being full of various heroes and royalty, all of them shouting at him while he cowered behind his desk. She wasn't sure why but it was an amusing thought.

The phone resting in her pocket buzzed and she pulled it out, getting an answer to her question of whether the parents were notified yet.

Her mother and father had both messaged her, which was shocking because she didn't know her father knew how to use his phone yet.

Hope you're okay
sweetheart xx

We'll sort something
out to make sure
they don't bring those

It will be okay.

Despite their comforting words, Charlotte knew that realistically they couldn't do anything. They could argue against the king's wishes all they wanted but his choice was final. And his choice was to go along with his son's idea.

As crazy as it was.

* * *

We'll be meeting the VK's next chapter, I just wanted to introduce you to my oc's and see their opinions on the VK's arriving.

I hope you liked this chapter. Please vote and comment if you did :)

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