Chapter 2

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UnspeakableGaming's PDV:

Day 5:


I found a ravine with diamonds


Mobs attacked me

My chestplate broke

I am unsure if neither positivity nor negativity is a word

Strange/surprising stuff:

I saw lava moving

I went to take water bucket in shelter, diamonds dissapeared in ravine


I signed the chapter, then put my book back in my inventory.

I guess I'll go back to the battlefield, pick up the gunpowder?

I started walking my way back, but first climbed up my tree house. I looked around, to see all the devasted groud around me, with creeper explosion craters, remenants of the corpses of the dead mobs, and even a witch hat.

Since I started this unsuccessful lava mob hunt, mobs seem to find me wherever I go... Should I just stop?

I walked back to where I was initially meant to go, next to the ravine, to see something I did not expect. My furnace was heated to its melting point,, and my crafting table, well, was burned to coal.

What happened?

I actually got scared for a moment, thinking some sort of god came to punish me, or some stupid thing like that.

Then I saw footsteps on the grass, but coal black footsteps on the grass. I went to see it, and as I touched it, I was surprised, as it was still hot. On that place, the grass was burned, like when we place lava on the grass.

When we place lava on the ground... A lava mob?

I immediately stood up as I realised what happened. There is a lava mob somewhere, and not very far away.

Then I heard a whizzing sound, and turned around to see an enflamed tree falling on me. I slipped out of the way with ease, as the tree crashed to the ground. Then I winced, hearing another tree falling somewhere near me, imploding and sending bits of charcoal flying everywhere. It broke my leather chestplate I wore, showing clearly the logo of the lava mob hunters.

"COME OUT, LAVA MOB!" I boomed, my voice echoing through the burning trees.

Then the biggest tree of my little forest, the one with my iron stack came falling on me, enflamed, carbonised. I took my shield, in time, decreasing the possibly fatal damage that the tree could have caused.

I stood up in pain, and looked at my pitiful state in a puddle. All the iron armour I used to wear was now broken, the remaining parts of it stained in blood.

All what remained of my iron was already melted, and red as lava.

I took out my book, Lava mob hunting guide, and opened a random page, to find the page describing the most powerful of all lava mobs, the Lava Mob.

What an original name, I thought, while continuing my lecture.

The lava mob can change form from liquid to solid, or even gaz in one tenth of a second, making it very hard to deal damage to it using projectiles. It can also vary to any temperature greater than the heat of fire, and summon anything fire-related. You can disable temporarily it's powers with a poison diffuser, but that will poison any living creatures around. A lava mob can heal itself whatever damage it takes, the healing time depending on the damage it took, from the least to worst. The most efficient type of weapons against it is water or ice weapons. It can travel possess any object which attained its melting point.

If you didn't read that, never mind XD

I closed my book, focusing my concentration on the lava mob. I saw the molten iron starting to move, the float and pile up, creating a humanoid form, until I at last realised a lava mob was materialising right in front of me.

How luckier can I get? I thought. The strongest of all lava mobs comes seeking its death in front of me...

I smirked as I felt an ice sword materialising in my hands.

Soooooo, only the second chapter of this book, it's waaaaay longer that the first chappie, YAAAY

Sorry for the lack of updates... Whatever, thanks for reading, please do vote or comment, or even both!

BTW, Fanart will be appreciated... You will somehow be mentioned in my book, if you do draw sth!

Whatever, enough talking, BYEE!


The Lava Mage (Prestonplayz+UnspeakableGaming FF)Where stories live. Discover now