Chapter Five:

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I wake up the next morning and stretch. Mahogany let  me borrow a pair of pajamas until I could buy my own today. I roll out of bed in what has become my room. It's the same room as yesterday. I walk downstairs rubbing my eyes. I walk into the kitchen and see no one else is in the room. I make some toast and sit at the island in the middle of the room and eat the toast. I hear footsteps coming closer just as I'm finishing my toast. I look towards the door and see Matt, Carter, and Mahogany come in.

"How long have you been up Skylar?" Matt yawns. "Just a little while." I reply quietly. "It's 10:30 so I'm going to start getting ready." I tell Mahogany. "I already picked on outfit out for you. It's laying on your bed." Mahogany tells me. I nod and head upstairs to my room. The outfit Mahogany had laying on my bed was a white long sleeve V-neck shirt, a maroon skirt, a silky gold belt, and black tights. The shoes laying on the floor in front of the bed is a pair of high heel ankle boots. I leave the outfit there and head to the bathroom for a quick shower, one that I haven't had in days.


After my shower, I wrap a towel around my body and quickly hurry back to my room. Once safely inside, I lock the door and get dressed. I put a bra and underwear on. Then, I slip the white long sleeve shirt over my head. I then pull the tights on. Next, I put the skirt on and tuck the shirt in. I put the belt through the belt buckles and finally, I carefully put my shoes on. I walk out of the room, thankful that I already know how to walk in heels. The one thing my mother taught me was how to walk in high heels.

I see Mahogany coming up the stairs, probably to get dressed. "Oh my god, you look perfect in that outfit!" she says excitedly. "Thanks." I blush and say quietly. "And I know the perfect hair style. Come with me." she says and tows me into the bathroom. She has me sit on the toilet backwards since I'm a lot taller than her with heel on. She pulls my hair up into a loose ponytail and secures it with an clear elastic hair tie. Then, she pulls out a salmon red colored ribbon. I watch her as she ties it around my ponytail.

She then stands me up and says, "Put on some of this." she says and shoves light brown eyeshadow, mascara, black eyeliner, and lip gloss into my hand. I look at the makeup and say hesitantly, "I have no clue how to put this on." Mahogany looks at me in amazement and shakes her head. "Need help?" is all she says. I nod and she sits me back down on the toilet seat. She quickly applies the makeup. When she says "Done.", I stand up and go look in the mirror. I thought I was pretty before, but now, I look more grown-up and sophisticated.

"Wow, I never knew I could look this sophisticated." I say. "Don't forget gorgeous and stunning." Mahogany says. "Thanks so much Mahogany!" I say and hug her. "You're welcome. Now let me go get dressed really quick and we can go." Mahogany says and goes to her room after I let her go. I decide to go and wait downstairs for Mahogany. I wander into one of the few rooms I know, the game room. Once again, all the boys are seated on the couch or floor, but this time they're watching a movie. I think they are watching a scary movie, based off of their screams. Honestly, I don't think the movie is scary.

I sit at the bar in the back of the room and watch the movie until Mahogany comes downstairs. "Skylar?!" she yells out. "In here!" I yell back, gaining the attention of all the boys in the room. I try to avoid eye contact, but I catch Nash looking right at me. I blush and look down at the ground. "Come on Skylar, let's go." Mahogany says and walks to the front door. I get up and follow her, trying to not look at the group of boys staring at me as I walk out.

When Mahogany drops me off in front of Macy's, I only have to wait a few minutes before Grace comes running up to me. She's wearing a navy blue corset type top, a white skirt with black birds all over it, and white wedges. "Hey Skylar! Ready to go shopping? And Mahogany told me you need a phone, so we'll go get that first, that way we can get it and then shop." Grace says excitedly and pulls me towards a phone company store.

She ends up settling on Sprint, telling me that this is the carrier that Mahogany has.  We look through the phones and I settle on a blue iPhone 5. "What case do you want?" Grace asks  me while a worker went to go get me the phone. "What about this one?" I say, picking up a case that is a sparkly teal color and the words 'Love Pink' on it. "That's perfect!" Grace exclaims. So, I pick it up and hold it. When my phone is all set up, and my phone and case are paid for, we walk out of the store while I put the case on my phone. Then, I slip it into my purse.


Grace and I shop the whole day, and when she drops me off at Mahogany and the boy's house, I have hundreds of items, ranging from underwear to bras, pants to shirts, skirts to shorts, and a ton of shoes. It takes me four or five trips to get everything into  my room. When I get in my room, I notcie that I now have furniture. I have a light wood desk and a violet chair in the corner of the room, a dresser in the corner diagonal from my bed, a black rug on the wood floor, and a violet mushroom chair beside the head of the bed.

"Next week we should be able to paint you're room. Black and violet right?" Mahogany asks as she drops the last bag on my bed. "Yea, sounds good. And I'll get some black and white bed sets, and a violet bed set." I say excitedly. "Well, I'll leave you to put your clothes away. I'd advise putting underwear, bras, and excersise clothes into the dresser, and all other clothes into the closet." Mahogany says and shuts the door behind her as she leaves. "Well, might as well start." I say to myself. So, I turn YouTube on on the TV in my room, and get to work on putting my clothes away.

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