Chapter Eleven:

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~Two months later~

When I wake up in the morning, I feed Talia and Kiara before I pick out my clothes for today. Eventually I pick out a white tank top, black leggings, and a black cardigan. The weather was pretty cold since the boys decided they wanted to move to Colorado for the winter. They wanted to try skiing and snowboarding since none of us, including me, had ever been. I personally didn't want to leave California because I prefer warm weather over cold weather, but I decided I would suck it up and go with them. Besides, I've been wanting to try snowboarding.

I slip on my grey UGGS with buttons along the sides. Once I'm dressed, I walk into my bathroom and plug in my straightener. While I wait for it to heat up, I put on black liquid eyeliner and fake eyelashes. When my straightener is hot enough, I straighten my hair. Twenty minutes later, my outfit is complete. I change my phone case into a navy blue case with the words 'Life Goes On' on it in white letters. I open my bedroom door before scooping Kiara into my arms and walking out of my room with Talia bounding along behind me.

I walk into the kitchen to see Mahogany and Matt eating their breakfast. "Kiara is so adorable." Mahogany says before going back to eating her breakfast. I agree, then set Kiara down before I pour myself a bowl of cereal. I'm halfway done with my bowl of cereal when Nash and Cameron come in laughing and shoving each other. I swear, if I didn't know any better I would have thought they were gay. They've mended their friendship over the past two months and are back to being best friends.

Cameron walks over to me and kisses my cheek. "Morning babe." he says. "Morning." I reply. I let Talia and Koda outside into the snow covered back yard once I've finished my breakfast. "Do you want to go do something together once I'm done?" Cameron asks me. "Sure. What do you want to do?" I say. "Whatever you want is fine with me." he smiles at me and takes a bite of his bagel. "Does ice skating sound good?" I asked him after I thought about it for a few moments. "Sounds good. Let me go change." he smiles at me before placing his plate in the dish washer and walking back upstairs.

I walk into the living room and turn on the TV while I wait for Cameron. Spongebob was on so I decided to watch it. I feel a dip in the couch beside me and look to my right. I see Nash sitting on the couch beside me with his breakfast. "Morning Nash." I smile at him before returning my attention to the TV. "Morning Sky." he responds. We watch the episode in silence until a commercial ends the episode. "Sky, there's something I want to tell you." Nash says. I turn my attention to him and am caught way off guard when I feel Nash's lips on mine.I scramble back and fall off of the couch. "What the hell Nash?!" I exclaim. "I'm sorry Sky. I didn't know how else to tell you." he says and stares at the floor. "Tell me what Nash?" I say angrily. "I like you Sky. A lot. More than a best friend. I wish I was the one who got to kiss you good morning and good night and go on dates with you instead of Cameron." Nash confesses.

"Nash, you know I'm dating Cameron. We have a really good relationship right now and I think he might be the one. I'm sorry Nash." I say sadly. I get up off the floor and give him a hug. "I love you like a best friend and that's all for now Nash." I tell him. "Alright Sky. I think I can live with that for now." he replies. I pull away when I here Cameron call for me. I kiss Nash's cheek and meet Cameron at the front door. He kisses me and grabs my hand before leading me out to his car. He opens the door for me and I get in, Cameron shutting the door once I'm inside.


When Cameron and I arrive at the ice skating rink, Cameron parks in the nearly empty parking lot and leads the way inside. We pay for our skates at the counter and head over to a bench by the rink. I lace up my skates and carefully make my way over towards the rink. Once I reach the edge, I wait for Cameron to finish and walk over to me. "You know, I'm actually pretty good at ice skating." I smirk at Cameron once we make our way onto the ice. "Oh really? Show me what you got." he says and gives me his sexy half smile. I push off from the wall and speed skate around the rink.

I pass Cameron and turn around and speed skate around the entire rink backwords. "I must admit, that was pretty good." Cameron says once I reach him again. "Thanks babe." I smile. "Got any other tricks up your sleeve?" he asks me. "Maybe." I say mysteriously and skate away. I skate around the rink a couple times and meet up with Cameron, who by the way, is still holding onto the wall. "Would you like some help?" I ask him. "Yea that'd be nice." he laughs. I grab his hands and pull him away from the wall. I skate backwords slowly while he gets used to skating away from the wall.

For the next two hours, I teach Cam how to ice skate without using the wall as a guide. "That was fun. We should come again with the others." I say as Cameron and I walk into a Starbucks hand in hand. "That sounds like a good idea." Cameron says as we get in line. I decide I just want hot chocolate while Cameron gets a caramel macchiato. We sit at a table and drink our drinks in silence. I don't know if I should tell Cameron about the incident with Nash this morning. I don't want their friendship to be ruined again because of me.

I decide I'll hint at it so I say, "Cam, did you know Nash has a thing for me?" I look up at his face, wary of what his reaction will be. "Yea, he told me a few days ago. Why do you ask?" he looks at me suspiciously. "Oh...ummm..he kinda kissed me this morning." I say quietly, but loud enough for him to hear. "And how did you react?" Cam asks me. "I pulled away immediately and fell off the couch." I say, looking at the floor. All of a sudden, I hear Cam start laughing. "What's so funny?" I ask him.

"You." he says and keeps laughing. "Why am I so funny?" I ask. "You fell off the couch." he says and calms down his laughter. "So you're not mad at me or Nash?" I ask. "No, I'm just glad you pulled away. Now, if you're done, let's head home." When we get home, we go up to Cameron's room and snuggle on his bed. "Want to watch a movie?" Cameron asks me. "Sure." I agree. Cameron then proceeds to pull up Netflix on his TV. "Can we watch 'Olympus Has Fallen'?" I ask Cameron as he scrolls through the 'Action and Adventure' movies. "Sure babe." he says.Then, he clicks on the movie and hits play.

Once the movie is over, I notice Cameron is asleep. "How the hell could he fall asleep during a movie like that?" I mumble to myself. I carefully climb out of his arms and go downstairs. I see the boys playing video games on the TV in the living room. "Mind if I join?" I ask. "Sure." Matt says and hands me a controller. The boys and I play video games for the rest of the day. I'm extremely glad I'm not stuck with my parents anymore. If I was, I would be going through torture right now. I push the thought of my horrible family to the back of my mind and enjoy the time I'm spending with my friends. 

/// I know I said I was going to take a break from writing, but now that I have an idea where I'm going with this story, I should be posting more regularly. Thanks for being patient guys!

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