Case 1: Baby Cry part2

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"Sooo, what's your animal instincts telling you Mai?" Gene asked the brunette as they grabbed a handful of supplies.

"Nothing much. It's like telling me to get this over with."

"Than that would mean that this case will be a walk in the park."

Mai nodded, "true."

While the two were having a conversation, Oliver had a talk of his own. His father insisted -demanded- that he should bring a few more members. From the records he was given, they were all a novice. And that's what Oliver hated the most.

"....and that will be all, any questions?" He slammed his notebook shut.

One raised her hand.

"What is she doing here? I get why Mr. Eugene is here, but who is that girl? Didn't you say that we shouldn't do anything that you said we shouldn't and follow your orders?" She asked.

"That, is Taniyama Mai."

Majority of the group gasped. The only onces who didn't were Oliver, Gene, Mai and the girl. She crossed her arms in an irritated manner. "I'm sorry, who?"

"Milly, shut up! Do you really not know who is Taniyama Mai?! She's a goddess! A goddess I tell you! She not only has mostly every single psychic abilities out there, but she's also a model! Heck, she even got to top 5 in both Britain and Japan!" A fanboy member squealed.

The girl, Milly, looked at Mai up and down. "I don't see much."

"I'm not a mirror." Mai hissed.

"Excuse me? Do you know who I am?"

Oliver stepped in.

"Yes we do. Mildred Fritz or commonly known as 'Milly' by her close friends and family, is a first grade level PK user. No training and aside from the famous incident in your mansion, had no other experience with the supernatural."

Milly's face turned scarlet as her 'friends' snickered leaving her actual friends to fell pity for her.

"Your real name is Mildred?"

"Enough! Group 1, base security with me. Group 2, help set up the cameras with Mai. Group 3 is with Gene."

After a few grumbling and whining, the group went their ways.

Mai's group went fairly well for their first time. As did Gene. Oliver on the other hand... as long as nobody got killed, it went fine.

As soon as everyone wasn't the base, Mai's phone rang.

"Shoot its Lin, I'll be back." Mai said as she stood and went to the door.


The confused half - Japanese and half - Chinese girl looked at Oliver.

"What is it?"

"You aren't allowed to leave or go anywhere without any company. Or shall I remind you what happens everytime you do?"

Milly snickered but was eventually silenced by the withering haze of the Davis twins.

Mai sighed, "fine. Lillian, Andrew. Follow me."

Gene raised an eyebrow, "no offense but why them? They're still base graders."

"Then they'll gain experience."

Can't argue with that logic.

Lillian and Andrew stood up shakily and followed a step behind Mai.

Gene turned to look at Oliver, "you worry about her too much."

As expected, his other half was a tsundere.

Oliver merely turned back to his papers. Not a second later, three screams were heard. Oliver Davis might as well have teleported.

Gene looked at his watch, "huh. Mai beat her record by 3 minutes."

Mai closed her eyes shut. She could hear Liilian's sobs and Andrew's profanities and it was at the tip of her tongue  to scold the boy but now was not the time.

In front of them, just a corner away from the base, was a warning written in blood.

Welcome home! Now I know you'll never abandon us ever again!

Mai could hear Oliver's footsteps.

"Naru, what exactly is the full story?"

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Mar 11, 2018 ⏰

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