Chapter five: Disappearance

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 It was almost 7 pm. You walked back to your school and entered
room 666.
"This is some satanic shit." Fukase pointed out.
"Yeah, this school doesn't even have 666 rooms, so why giving
this room such a number, also, no swearing, Fukass."
Room 666 was filled with about 600 people. Both of you took a
"Hello ladies and gents and welcome to our singing contest!
You stopped paying attention and started talking to Fukase
"So, what are you going to perform?"
"Dunno, something... sexy? If you got the ladies, you got the
"I doubt you get those 40+ granny-teachers wet."
"Haha, watch me!"
"...a pot will now be passed around. It contains plenty of
chits with numbers on them. The students who wanted to
participate in this contest have to pick one. The numbers
picked will be noted down on a list. I will choose one number
from that list. Whoever picked this number has to walk on
stage." the host announced.
The pot was passed around.
"Looks like there are quite a few people taking part in this
contest..." you said and picked a chit.
"Woah, do really think you have a chance against me?"
"Pretty much, yeah."
15 minutes passed.
"My gosh... 10 minutes would have been engough."
"How scandalous, how dare them to keep the great memelord
Fukass waiting!" you said as ironically as you could.
The host finally called a number.
"And the first student to perform has picked the number 47!"
You waited 5 minutes, but no sign of student number 47.
"Someone must have noted the wrong number down. We are very
sorry about that. Well, how about 69?"
"Right over here!" A classmate shouted as he walked up on
"Would you tell us your name?" the host asked.
"Sure, my name is Jeff."
Fukase burst out in laughter as soon as Jeff revealed his name.
You stepped on Fukase's foot signalizing him to stop laughing.
"And what are you going to perform this evening?"
"Berny from Husteen Lieder."
Jeff's voice almost made your ears bleed. You were covering
your ears as you noticed a group of students talking to the
person next to you, then they left the room. You couldn't
understand what they were saying, because of Jeff's terrible
singing, so you didn't bother to question it.
"This was... um... interessting. Next is number 90."
Again, no response.
"Something's off..." Fukase said.
"Yeah, pretty unsual for me to say, but you're right." you
"They probably ran away, because they know I'd beat them with
my amazing voice!" Fukase bragged.
"Amazing voice, huh?" A stranger appeared. "Wanna demonstrate
"Here, right now?"
"No, of course not. Follow me, it will probably take a while
until they pick your number. Pleaaassee!"
"Okay, okay. I can't deny my fans' wish, can I? (Y/N) I'll be
back soon."
"I don't think this is a good ide-..."
Fukase stood up and walked away.
Fukase didn't return after 30 minutes.
Maybe he should have sung 'The disappearance of Fukase' since
it fit the situation perfectly.
 you thought.
A few students that picked a number were missing too. Weirdly
enough, the only students who weren't missing were terrible 
You decided to search for Fukase.  

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