Chapter eight: Interuption

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"Why are you keeping cereals in your room?"
"Because if you have milk you need cereals too."
You pointed at your chest.
"And what should I do? I have cereals, but I don't have any
"get some."
"Wait what?! That's... that's a bit... sudden..."
"Downstairs, dude. There's some milk in the fridge."
"Oh... yeah... You totally did that on purpose."
You nodded and grabbed some cereals.
Fukase then screeched as your father came in yelling:
"What the hell, dad?! How did you get in? I locked the door!"
"That's what I wanted to ask that little devil over there!"
He pointed at Fukase.
"Devil? He really sounds like a dad."
"Did you just call me old?!"
"What, no!"
"You think dads are old and lame?!" your father said
"No, man! I di-"
"Stupid punks!"
"I'm not a pu-"
"Emo-bitch." you added.
"What the fuck, (Y/N), what the fuck!"
"Emu-beach... Is this a new bird breed?"
"Jeez, dad! Just-... just leave."
"Yeah, dad, lea-" you interrupted Fukase by hitting him.
You then pushed your father out of your room.
"(Y/N) this boy isn't good for you and no boy will ever be!"
You slamed the door shut and locked it.
"Yeah, let's just watch a movie or something." you suggested.
You searched for some good films as a horrormovie named 'The
Interuption' caught your eye.
"That one seems interessting." you said.
"'The Interruption', huh? Is your dad the protagonist?"
"Because he's very good at interrupting."
You hit him again
"Staph hitting meh! This is clown abuse!"
"Ok, ok... Potator."
You stared in his eyes
"Fuck ass"
"Let's make out."
"Wait, what?!"
"I meant: Let's watch the movie."
You clicked on the play button and the movie began:

A teenage girl was sitting in her room together with her
boyfriend. The two of them were working on school project as
they heard a noise.

You heard the sound of glas breaking inside your bathroom.
"Holy fuck, what was that?" you cried.
"Oh, shit. Whatever it was, it's so gonna get us. Ah, I'm so
scared" he laughed.
"Don't make fun of me, Fukass!"
Fukase walked over to the bathroom. He opened the door and
picked up a bunch of hair. He waved it around in order to mock
"Ooooh, creeepyyy..."
"Stop mocking me!"
He switched the light on.
"Do you see anything?"
"The mirror broke, but it's still hanging on the wall, meaning
it didn't fell on the floor."
You stood up and took a looked after it.
"But... how did it break then."
Tiny footsteps were heard and your heart beat increased.
You moved closer to Fukase.
"Don't worry, lady Potatobrain, your white knight in shining
armor will protect you!"
He wrapped his arms around you. Fukase's words and warmth made
you feel safer than ever.  

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