Chapter 19

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I woke up and visited Nick at the hospital. He was doing okay. Fortunately, the gunshot hit Nick's back.

I still can't believe I lied to the police, the city, the state, the country. Maybe I should go down to the station and confess that I know who it was.

If I do, will I get in trouble? I really don't know. Nick will kill me if he finds out I know who.

The drive to the hospital was slow because there was traffic. When I finally got to his room, he was sleeping quietly in his bed.

I sat there on the edge of his bed, waiting for him to wake up. I felt like a stalker, just watching him there.

He looked so cute, just sleeping there. He looked like a little baby sleeping at nap time. Nick's hair was really curly, which made him look even more like a baby.

I went into my bag and took out my phone. Along with my phone, came a note.

The note said:

"You're so amazing, remember the time? Just thinking about ya' gives me butterflies. Hit me with an encore, Sabrina. Meet me tonight at the Boardwalk at 7.


Damn what did I do? Why did I go out with Zayn in the first place? Then, I got a text from Tash's boyfriend saying; "COME TO THE DORM QUICKLY. THERES SOMETHING WRONG".

Of course, I listened to the text and drove straight to the college. When I finished parking the car in the underground garage, I started jogging towards the door for the elevator. Before I can even open the door, I was caught and I fell unconscious.


I woke up in what looked like a lair. Like a super villain's lair. I was tied to a table with Tash on a table next to me. The door to the lair opened. It was Tash's boyfriend and Zayn. Tash had tape on her mouth, so she wouldn't scream.

"Well, well. You're probably wondering what you both are doing here. Let's start with a little story. I met Zayn here about a week ago. He told me about his love for you and I felt bad. So, I joined his gang and tried to kill Nick, but that didn't work. So, instead of Nick, Tash is next.", Tash's boyfriend said.

I looked at him in surprise and disbelief. I wouldn't think he would do that. Tash was trying to scream through the tape, but it didn't work.

Zayn just stood there smirking.

"You meet me tonight where I told you to, Tash stays alive.", Zayn said.

"I will be there.", I said.


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