Chapter 24

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"I will go with you to meet whoever this is. I'm not leaving your side.", Nick said.

"Yeah. Me too. We've grown so much and I don't want anything to happen to you.", Tash said.

I was still crying. They didn't understand at all. They didn't know that my life is in danger. Everything is at stake now.

We turned the movie off and went to bed. Nick stayed over that night to keep Tash and I safe. Such a "gentlemen". He slept in the extra room in my house. Tash slept in my room.

Before I went to bed, I saw that my phone was beeping. Like repeatedly and it won't stop.

I checked it and I got a text message. I woke up Tash and Nick and we all met in the living room. The text said;

"You must meet me tomorrow. Bring only clothes. Nothing else, except your friends if you're scared. It will be a fun night with many surprises. You're mom is fine for now. Don't worry. She won't be fine if you don't show up."


I screamed and almost broke my phone. This has to be someone I know but someone the least expected. I can't trust anyone. I got up and ran to the bathroom. I opened the cabinet and took out my pills. I stared at myself in the mirror.

"Why did I do this to myself? Why did I fall for Zayn? Why didn't I hate Zayn? Why why why?", I thought.

I opened the pill bottle and took out 3 pills. I was only supposed to take out 1.

I stuffed the pills in my mouth and gulped it down with water.

"SABRINA. OPEN UP. SABRINA.", Tash and Nick were yelling while banging on the door.

I opened the door and the saw the pill bottle in my hand. They took my hand and carried me to the car. They were about to take me to the hospital.

Love or Danger? (Book #1 Of the "Love" Series)Where stories live. Discover now