Chapter 29

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Nick and I drove to the store to buy balloons for Tash. They said "Get Well Soon!" That won't happen. The emotions that are running through her, and she only has a 50% chance of living ruins the moment.

We also bought a Teddy Bear with a heart and chocolates. I bought her favorite; Cookie Dough Ice Cream in a cup with a little chocolate syrup and whipped cream.

My leg hurts so much, but it's getting better. I was wearing a navy blue dress with slippers. I was carrying my crutches, in which I can barely walk in.

We also stopped by the florist to get her flowers; specifically carnations. We bought a bunch of them and walked towards the car.

Halfway to the car, my phone rang. I took it out of my bag and answered it. It was the hospital's number.

"Hello?", I said.

"Hello. It's Doctor Grayman from the hospital. How are you?", she asked.

"I'm fine. You?"

"Okay. Well, I called because I have some really unfortunate news."

"Go on." We were at the car by the time I said this. I got in.

"I'm so sorry. Natasha has died. The impact was so bad, it cause a major artery in her brain to stop working. It caused a major blood clot and soon enough, she stopped breathing and died. I'm so sorry, Sabrina. I'm really sorry.", she said.

"Ok. I understand. I'm alright. I'll come as soon as I can to the hospital."

"Ok. See you later. Bye."

I hung up the phone and started crying so much. This wasn't fair. I should've been the one dead.

"What happened?", Nick said.

"Tash dead.", I said. I explained what happened. We all started crying together. Nick drove to the hospital quickly. I was still sobbing. I never got to say goodbye to her. I never got to give her these things. What am I going to do?


Hi everyone! Sorry for not updating for a long time. I've been busy. So I hope you like this chapter. Read, vote and comment.


Love or Danger? (Book #1 Of the "Love" Series)Where stories live. Discover now