The Forest

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My love, you would love being with me, you will love being mine.

Trekking through the snow, my hooves crunching and sinking ever so often, my claws leaving markings upon the snow. The rising sun shinning through the trees, making the sky a bright mixture of purple, red and orange, rays of light shining unto all areas of ground uncovered by shade. Shadows on trees stretching out welcoming me back to the deepest parts of the woods, the forest is my home, the place of my birth, and it shall be the place of my death.

Soon I came upon a old broken-down mansion, it had not been lived in for almost seventy-six years, the last souls to have lived there were killed and devoured by I, they had harmed my home to build the mansion, so I did what I thought was best. Killed the family living inside. This home will be lived in again, by my love, I shall rescue her from those beastly souls and bring her here, and she shall live the rest of her days out here in this forest with me. Forever.
As the sun reached farther into the sky it began to snow once again, and so I began my trek back to the spot of where I saw my love last. Holding her scarf close to my face I inhaled much of her scent in order to follow the smell back to wherever she was being held by those fools.
Following her smell I began to smell more than just humans, animals, dead alongside so, weapons, and much more. I lowered my body close to the ground and slowly crawled closer, closer, closer, until hiding myself in still living bushes and behind trees whenever I believed a beast was approaching, sniffing the air once more I danced around spots that I would be spotted at.
Now lightly stepping over anything and everything that would cause noise I approached a home that radiated of my love's scent, cautiously, I approached the home in necessary silence, however none would be able to hear me over the shouting going on inside. Anger and a low growl rising inside of me when I could smell multiple males near my love, and a female who seemed to be the source of the noises. Soon a louder shout rang throughout the home, that was it, no more waiting, no more of my love being attacked, I dug my claws into the wooden wall of the home and climbed to a window, smashing the glass, I ended upon a room, drenched in the smell of my love.
Footsteps now running up the stairs alerted me to the fact that I was not as quiet as I had previously believed. The door slammed open to reveal two men that looked quite similar to the one I had killed just last night, wasting no time I pounced onto the man closest to me and tore my canines into his flesh, blood filled my mouth and throat as it splattered all over the wooden floor, the man quickly became quiet, died of the loss of blood I presume. The second man taken back by the speed of which I had killed his ally had no time to run before my claws pierced through his body in a matter of seconds, the tips of my claws protruding out of his back, he coughed out a small bit of blood that got onto his front and a little onto my skull covered face, his breathing stopped in a matter of moments.
Removing my claws from his body he fell back onto the floor, his blood pouring out onto the floor aswell began to run down the steps of the home staining the stairs red, stepping over the bodies I aswell began to make my way down to the bottom floor.
As I reached the last four steps a scream echoed throughout the home, "OH MY GOD!" rang out as the blood began to pool into a puddle, I stepped over the remaining few stairs in only one step, looking over to the side I saw four people.
One being my love, who stared at me with fear fulled eyes.
An albino woman who hid my love behind her in a protective way, futile, I thought, I would simply send her flying.
A blonde woman who had been the source of the scream, clearing pregnant of few moons, she would be the only one spared besides my love.
Then a final male who stood in front of the three women whilst glaring at me with eyes full of fear, hatred, and shock.
He turned back and started to push the woman out the front door, causing my love to fall onto her hands and knees, anger rushed throughout my body as I charged at the man while roaring the loudest I had ever roared. Impaling him with my antlers I turned towards my love and ran out the door, grabbing her in the process, holding her in my claws as closely to my chest as possible I pounded through the village towards the forest, caising those in the way to either be crushed under my hooves, run into a random building in fear, or be trampled by a crowd stampeding away from me in fear of death.
My love screaming in my claws was the only thing I payed attention to besides the quickest way home to the forest, pain shooting through my back caused me to realize that these beasts would not allow me to save my love from them. Soon a opening gave way when houses and stores stopped appearing in my way, breaking through the line of trees I made my way deeper and deeper into the woods, sunlight stopped shining as the clouds covered the sun and the snow began coming down more harsher and quicker, covering my tracks and anything that made it seem like I had been there in the first place.

I dearly hoped this was the fate of my love and I, forever unbothered in the forest by anyone. Ever again.

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