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Earth. A planet desolated and mutilated by its inhabitants to the point that an all out nuclear war was caused by a large nation known as China, another large nation known as Russia, and another called America. These three countries triggered a war that ended the peaceful, harmonial planet we live on today. The amount of people killed in this nuclear war is un-countable. Best guesses are between 4-5 billion.

After the war, the United States of America, the United Kingdom, France, Germany, Australlia, Spain, Canada, and Mexico banded together and formed an alliance known as the Grand Old Republic. They formed this alliance to preserve the values of a world long gone. Peace was restored, and the Grand Old Republic (GOR) replaced the United Nations. The Governments of Earth soon all aligned to the GOR. This was the beginning of the Evacuation.

500 years since 2014, the year that began the War. Earth was becoming even more inhabitable due to the high levels of radiation coming off of the old combat zones. Even 500 years in the future. The GOR had one, desperate, final hope to save the human race; The Evacuation Project.

Scientists who worked for the GOR found a habitale, Earth-like planet on the opposite side of the Milky Way Galaxy. 2 million humans were packed onto shuttles and sent to this foreign planet. Upon arrival two years later, the colonists reported that the planet was; 

"Habitable, lots of water, enough food to supply an army. This planet is as close to home as we will get."

With those words, another 4 million people were sent to this planet. It became known as "Terran". No one, however, thought much of the neighboring Red Planet that overlooked them every winter. 

A fatal mistake.


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