Deadzone; Chapter 4: Two sided coin

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        Warship Xerthius, in all its significance, led a pack of 10 warships to Terran. In a V formation, the warships soon closed in on Terran. Captain Azure, commander of Warship Xerthius, was sitting at his chair in his office. His office was a dark room, filled with banners and had a desk wih a computer at it in the corner. One big seat, where Azure was sitting, and two less important and humiliating seats for visitors. Azure was not a machine. He was a pale humanoid, with sleek resembelence to a vampire. A shovel like face, messy hair, and a black uniform with an unusual logo on it. The logo was shaped like =(O)= and had words written underneath it in a different language. Azure was hard at work on his computer, looking at starmaps for a neighbor galaxy.

        Azure got up from his desk and walked out of his office. He had an unusual feeling. He walked down the long, black hallway until he reached the Infirmary. When he entered, he looked around the bright green room. The room was green due to the cryochambers, or small tubes in which the patient enters and freezes them so they can heal, having a green chemical in them. The patients were not machines either, but there were remnants of machine parts and gears all over the place.

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        Fort Zall, in all its significance, was still and silent on a cold Terran night. The snow was falling and the soldiers had made snowballs to throw at eachother. Everything seemed happy, cheerful. Jason had arrived at Fort Zall two hours earlier, at 20:00, and had been assigned wall patrol. He managed his side of the wall while patrolling with a light machine gun. Everything seemed clear. Pssht! Jason jumped and turned around. Someone from below had thrown a snowball at him. Jason laughed and turned around again. Jason had not seen Kelvin for a long time. Kelvin was guarding the blast doors inside Fort Zall itself. Kelvin had been posted there multiple times, him being a secondary infantryman, meaning he would be deployed with the reinforcements.

        Fort Zall itself was carved into a mountain. It was not a cave, but as if the mountain had been sliced in half. A gate closed off the entrance area, which had a gate for acsessibility. Inside was two towers, barracks, and a few small buildings. The two towers were connected to a reactor system that, when overloaded, would shutdown the power to the entire base, leaving it defenseless. Disabling the reactor would cripple the base until backup power is restored. Backup power is held on a generator in the Capital that is sent through underground cables to the reactor to slow it down and return power. 

        Jason looked up into the black sky. A small, redish object was descending. Jason yawned and wiped his eyes. He looked again. It was still there.

"Yo, Parxson, what is that?" Jason said, pointing into the sky. 

"I believe that is a star." Parxson replied.

"No, not that, the redish thing?" Jason said.

"I have no ide-" Parxson would've finished if the alarm hadn't have gone off. Jason turned around. There were multiple of these red things descending. People started shooting into the air. Parxson also continued. Jason looked up, found the red thing he was looking at, and fired. Meanwhile, the red things started to come into form. They were the machines. They were shooting from their arms with dead accuracy. They got closer and closer, and the human's lasers and bullets seemed almost useless against these machines. A machine landed left of Parxson and looked at him. Jason saw his features; red eyes, black greyish metalic suit. Gears visible in his chest plate, and a gun actually installed into his arm. His helm had small horns coming from the top. 

        The machine grabbed Parxson and started to squeeze. Jason opened fire upon the machine, aiming for gears and the open parts of his metal suit. A machine came behind Jason and knocked Jason over. Jason was dazed, his vision blurry. The machine kicked Jason off of the wall. Jason yelled as he fell, and hit the ground. He was now even more dazed, and he was in pain. He looked up and saw a red blur from on top of the gate glaring down at him. His vision regained normality and he saw the the machine was peering at him from on top of the gate. Jason felt around for his weapon. He found it and picked it up. The machine crouched down, and jumped. Jason started firing The machine was coming down on his fast. Jason rolled to the right, and continued firing upon the machine. The machine missed him and Jason jumped on its back. Jason hardly had time to react, but saw an opening that led to the humanoid inside. Jason was flung from the machines back. Jason drew his sidearm. Humans couldn't kill them from the front, but they could kill them internally and from behind. He started right, but made an immidiate left, making the machine fall. Jason went behind the machine, saw the opening, and fired. The humanoid slouched to the side, the red lights shut off, and the machine died. 

        Jason climbed the wall to find Parxson lying, an inmprinted hand figure circulating his abdomin area, dead on the floor.  The machine that killed him was running into the base, with a lot of other ones. The machines smashed through the frontal defenses with no problem. The gate was collapsed, and machines were still flowing in. Jason heard the call for reinforcements come in. Jason had no way of entering the fort, as the machines were securing it. Jason looked around and saw a hole blasted into Fort Zall's first tower. If Jason could sneak in through there and then head up to the other humans, he could join up with them. 

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        Captain Azure walked over to the armory. He walked into the crate storage room and moved three crates that had been shoved against a wall. When he moved them, a hidden door with a passcode lock had revealed itself. He entered the passcode, 8361, and entered. The room had 10 suits of armor in a circle. However, these suits of armor were darker than the normal one's the machines wore. These were pitch black, worn, and had an almost velvet texture. Captain Azure walked over to one, picked it up, and put it on. He then found the helmet, and put it on. He walked out, closed the door, and moved the crates back over the door. Then he picked up an assault rifle. Azure was combat ready. 

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        Jason waited. The machines stationed at the hole in the wall were moved to help the assault into the base. The hole was undefended. Jason ran over to the hole and entered.  There was one machine standing guard at the door that led to the main hallway of Fort Zall. The machine turned around for a second, and Jason ran at the machine. Jason jumped on the machines back and reached for the humanoid inside. Jason grabbed the humanoids neck, and snapped it. Jason then got up and continued down the hallway. It appeared the the machines were taking the main route to the reactor core. There was another way to the reactor, so Jason took that way, and joined up with the humans.

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        Captain Azure landed at the battleground a few minutes after suiting up. As he walked through the battle raging around him, he walked directly to the hole in the wall. Azure followed the main hallways and met up with the machines.

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Nov 13, 2014 ⏰

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