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Evelyn walked in the house as if she was family and been there long

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Evelyn walked in the house as if she was family and been there long. Glenn and T-Dog stayed on the porch to introduce themselves to Maggie. Greyson was in the dining room. In front of him was a journal full of writing, a record spinning filling the house with Johnny Cash. She ruffled his hair to make her presence known.

"How is he?" She asked as she took a seat next to him.

"Where'd you go?" He asked aggressively, worried about her well being.

"I went to get Lori, bring her here, to be with her son" she answered, not bothering to fight him.

"Tell me next time, I worry about you, you know?" He explained "Carl is better, not great yet. He needs equipment from Shane and Otis. I'd be fine if Shane didn't make it back"

"Don't say that"

"Don't say you want him back. I'm not oblivious, he uses you"

"Greyson, stop," she barked this time "it's too late for this conversation. It's been a long day" she sighed.

"Then sleep. Nothing is going to happen if you sleep. If we need you, we'll get you" he spoke, he watched over his mother as much as she watched over him.

"Thank you" She whispered, kissed his forehead and went upstairs.

Greyson sat alone again, flipping back the page he has hidden from his mother. It has his number of walker kills since the beginning. There were too many tallies to count but he stayed consistent. He killed walkers in the night to protect his mother while she slept, him staying awake for days on end. There was no reason as to why he took her into his care when it should be flipped. Maybe it was the fact he was trying to be a better man than his father, or Shane was or ever will be.

His father leaving his mom and him alone way early. He heard her cry to him on the phone, leaving voicemails begging for financial help and there was never a call back. She grieved him for years. Then Shane came and she thought everything was fixed. But then she saw how she was being used by him, so did Greyson. He took it upon himself and he's not giving up now.

Evelyn laid in bed, unable to sleep. She wanted to, she was tired but she couldn't get to a state of calm enough to sleep. She heard boots come up the steps in the quiet house. A door opened and the shower turned on. She walked out in the hall, curious to see if it was anyone she'd want to talk to. She saw Shane standing in the bathroom doorway.

"Hey" she said gently.

Shane turned to her and gave a small smile.

"Do you wanna help me shave my head?" He asked her.

"Yeah, I don't see why not" she replied with a nod and stepped n the bathroom with him. He closed the door behind her. As she started looking for clippers, Shane took off his shirt, when she got up she was surprised.

"Been a while, hasn't it?" He smirked.

"Plug in the damn clippers" she handed him the cord and he plugged it in the wall.

She flipped on the switch and started from the nape of his neck, his hair falling down his back and onto her forearm.

"Any reason you doin this?" She asked, peeking around his shoulder to look at him through the mirror.

"Just a change" he shrugged, as it was the best answer he could come up with.

She worked her way around his head, taking time to make sure she got everything. She stepped around in front of him to get the hair in the front, his breath on her face, the hot steam from the shower, it's getting hot. She stopped and took a deep breath.

"You alright?" He asked, grabbing her arms to hold her up in case she fell.

"It's just hot in here" she said.

His hands moved to the hem of her shirt and he lifted it up over her head. She blushed embarrassingly, she felt so exposed and she hasn't been that in quite a while. She finished up his hair and turned down to put down the clippers. Shane pressed his body against hers, trapping her between the sink and his body. She grabbed the sink, feeling his lips on her neck.

"You look stressed" he mumbled, squeezing up her arms.

"I am"

"Let's do some stress relief from old times, before this shit. You know, times when your husband wasn't doing jack shit for you or this body" he clasped a hand over her breast.

Her breath hitched and she closed her eyes. She wanted to give in but a part of her knew she shouldn't, he wasn't good for her.

"Is it because Greyson? You know you're an adult, right? You make your own decisions" he reassured her.

"Yeah, I do" she nodded and turned to him with a smirk.

Her hands dropped down to his belt and she removed it aggressively and sloppy. She pressed her lips to him so hard he fell back against the opposite wall. She pushed his pants down and Shane went to her own bottoms. Her hand went to grasp his hair but realized it wasn't there, laughing at herself.

"Still forgetful, I see" he laughed with her.

"Guess so"

He took of the rest of their clothes and stepped in the shower first, she followed him. He leaned his head back under the water, the stray hairs washing down the drain. She ran her fingers down his chest and abs, she hadn't felt them in a long time.

"Still toned, must have a lot of time for lifting recently" she couldn't help but joke.

"Yeah, and I'm gonna lift right now"

"What?" She asked and then squealed when he lifted her up, she wrapped her legs around his body "you're a smooth guy, you know that?"

"Oh yeah, how do you think I got you?" He kissed her again.

Evelyn// Daryl DixonWhere stories live. Discover now