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Hershel had told Patricia to get the shed ready for surgery

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Hershel had told Patricia to get the shed ready for surgery. Rick was extra distressed about hearing about Lori's car ride to find him. T-Dog had finally drawn everyone's attention to the extra passenger in the car and there was a gathering held inside.

"We couldn't just leave him behind, he would've bled out. If he'd live that long" Rick spoke at the head of the dinner table, leaning on a chair.

While many gathered in seats at the table, the rest made do. Leaking against various objects and the wall. Evelyn and Greyson were among those people, leaning against the wall next to each other. Shane and Andrea were standing side by side as well, making Evelyn feel some way.

"It's gotten bad in town" Glenn made a side note to everyone, maybe to keep their place on Hershel's land.

"What do we do with him?" Andrea asked what we've all been wondering.

"I've repaired his calf muscle the best I can," Hershel said as he walked into the room as if on queue "but he's gonna have some nerve damage. Won't be on his feet for at least a week"

"When he is, we give him a canteen, take him out to the main road and send him on his way" Rick quickly followed up.

"Isn't that the same as leaving him for the walkers?" Andrea decided to play the voice of reason.

The screen door creaked open as Daryl made his entrance. He nodded to acknowledge everyone quickly before stepping into the dining room. He stood next to Greyson.

"And your point is what?" Evelyn asked Andrea.

"We can't just let him go. He knows where we are" Shane brought up.

"He was blindfolded the way here, he's not a threat" Rick replied.

"Not a threat? How many of them were there? You killed three of their men, took one hostage and they aren't gonna come looking for us? For him?"

"They left him for dead. No one is looking" Rick seethed, his patience for Shane already wearing thin.

"We should still post a guard" T-Dog added.

"He's out cold, will be for hours" Hershel informed everyone.

"You know what? I'm gonna go get him flowers and candy. Look at this folks, were back in fantasy land" Shane scoffed as he walked out of the dining room but Hershel kept hot on his heels.

"You know, we haven't even dealt with what you did at my barn yet. Let me make this perfectly clear for once and for all. This is my farm. Now, I wanted you gone. Rick talked me out of it," Evelyn quickly turned to Rick, Greyson had felt what she had as well "but that doesn't mean I have to like it. So do us both a favor and keep your mouth shut"

Hershel finished and Shane left, running his hands over his head. Evelyn and Greyson were surprised by his silence.

"We're not going to do anything about it today so let's just cool off" Rick talked to those who were left.

Andrea had looked like she stepped in shit. She was sad Shane was put in his place and walked after him. But that's her own problem. The meeting was over as everyone dispersed.

"Rick, we need to talk" Evelyn called him before Lori could get him.

She walked out onto the veranda and Rick followed her. She walked off to the side to get away from any passerby's.

"You convinced Hershel to let Shane stay?" Evelyn asked, her arms crossed.

"I couldn't let him leave, Eve"

"He hit me, Rick. He's scared me, my son and multiple other people here. Disrespected Hershel. If we took a vote on who wanted him here and who wouldn't, I'm sure the latter would win. So tell me again, why you won't let him leave?"

"Loris pregnant" Rick had blurted out the response.


"It's not mine. It's gotta be Shane's. I can't let him leave because Lori knows it as much as I do. If I kick Loris baby's dad off this land, I don't know what'll happen. Me keeping Shane wasn't because I want to watch you suffer. It's for my marriage"

"You're stuck between a rock and a hard place. Your sister and then your cheating wife. Both fucked the same guy, can you believe that? The same piece of shit asshole cop" Evelyn tested him out of pure anger.

"It's the apocalypse and you still somehow find how to be a drug fiend. Can you believe that? Junkies are amazing creatures" Rick grabbed her arm to show her tracks and she yanked it back, pushing him away from her.

"That was a low blow. Comparing what I know to what you think you know? You're desperate to be right, right now but it isn't working. You just sound like Shane" Evelyn continued to fire shots back at him, deflecting the junkie accusations.

"Don't compare me to him, ever. I'm nothing like him and I never will" Rick grit his teeth hard, a vein in his neck pulsing.

"Evelyn," there was a third voice, Evelyn turning to see who it was; Daryl "wanna go shootin?" He asked, squinting through the sun up at her.

Evelyn shoved past Rick, her shoulder smashing into his sharply. She walked around and down the steps, following Daryl to wherever he was going to take her for this lesson.

"You're a master of great timing" Evelyn laughed trying to start to conversation.

"I try" he grumbled like always.

"Any reason you wanted to go right now?"

"Just don't wanna be there" he looked back at the camp as they walked farther away.

"Yeah, me either" Evelyn agreed and followed Daryl.

It probably wasn't smart to go out wherever to practice, not with everyone suspicions about an attack. Daryl though, he was smart and he wasn't going to take someone else out to set them up for murder if he thought it would happen.

He needed to get away, away from Carol trying to talk to him and shooting his crossbow was his escape. But as he walked past Evelyn and saw her getting yelled at by Rick, he took the opportunity to take her to escape as well.

Evelyn// Daryl DixonWhere stories live. Discover now