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"Where's Ashton?" Calum asks, bursting into Luke and Ashton's apartment, completely ignoring Luke's presence as he enters.

Calum was livid, to say the least. He couldn't believe Ashton would do something like this. It wasn't something he ever thought Ashton could do.

Ashton was sleeping with Danielle, while she was still with Calum.

Though Calum knew both Danielle and Ashton were at fault, he never thought Ashton would betray him like that. He's known Ashton for so long, he tells him everything. He knows more about Calum than Danielle did.

But Ashton went out of his way to go behind Calum's back, to sleep with his girlfriend.

"Uh, he's in his room..." Luke replies, confused on why an Calum is furiously storming to Ashton's room.

"Ashton!" Calum yells, making Ashton jump up from his chair at his desk and pull off his headphones.

"What the fuck?" Ashton questions, standing up. He let out a light chuckle, thinking it was all a joke.

"I'm going to fucking kill you!" Calum screams, approaching Ashton.

"Calm down! What did I do?" Ashton replies, raising his hands in surrender as Calum practically backs him up against the wall.

"You slept with my girlfriend you fucking asshole!" Calum exclaims, grabbing Ashton by the collar of his shirt, slamming Ashton against the wall.

"Holy shit." Luke mutters from the doorway to Ashton's room. He stepped farther into the room, incase he'd need to get involved.

"Okay, Calum, calm down, man... I- I'm sorry!" Ashton pleads, suddenly extremely nervous.

"You're sorry? Yeah, that solves everything! Fuck you!" Calum shouts, getting in Ashton's face.

"You don't even love her!" Ashton exclaims in response, still panicking.

"That doesn't mean I give you permission to fuck my girlfriend, you piece of shit!" Calum yells, not even denying Ashton's statement at this point.

As Calum winds up to punch Ashton, Luke quickly jumps in, pulling Calum back. Luke wasn't trying to take sides, he just really didn't want anybody to get physically hurt.

Luke manages to get Calum away from Ashton, but Calum shakes him off.

"I'm sorry!" Ashton exclaims, holding his arms out in panic, terrified Calum was still going to hurt him.

"I bet you don't even know. You don't even know, do you?" Calum bitterly chuckles.

"Know what?" Ashton questions, calming down now that it seems the subject is changing.

"Congrats. You're gonna be a dad." Calum scoffs, walking towards the door.

Calum knew it wasn't his business to tell Ashton, but at this point he didn't care. He didn't care if Danielle got mad at him, he didn't care how Ashton would react.

It wouldn't hurt either of them as much as they hurt him.

"What are you talking about?" He asks, stopping Calum in his tracks.

"You heard me. If you don't fucking take care of her, I'll actually kill you. Do you understand?" Calum spits, glaring at Ashton.

Ashton stands there, speechless. What was he supposed to say? He had no idea.

Calum shakes his head before heading out so he can go back to his dorm to try and process what's going on.


When Calum gets to his dorm, he walks straight to his bed and falls onto it.

"Cal, what's up? How was the appointment?" Michael asks, looking at his friend who's staring up at the ceiling.

"The baby isn't mine." Calum whispers, tears welling up in his eyes.

"Holy shit, what? Dude, are you okay?" Michael asks, sitting next to Calum, as he sits up.

"Not only is it not mine, it's Ashton's." Calum chokes out.

Michael sits next to him on the bed, "Fuck, man, I'm so sorry."

"I'm angry and sad and confused and I don't know what to do." Calum whispers.

"I think you should just fuck every girl on this floor, dude." Michael chuckles, trying to lighten the situation, though he knew he couldn't.

"That sounds like a good idea, but... Michael, can you be my therapist for a second?"

"Yeah, what's up?" Michael asks.

"Your idea is good, but, I think all I want is Alyssa." Calum mumbles.

"I knew you had feelings for her! But you like, really have feelings for her." Michael replies.

He sighs, frowning at Michael, "Yeah. I do. I feel like I missed out, with Alyssa, though."


"Basically, I sort of tried to ignore all of Alyssa's advances. I never told her about Danielle, I wanted to keep her interested. After Dani said she was pregnant, I ignored Alyssa. Now I don't think she's interested, Dani isn't having my baby, and I'm just so fucking devastated." Calum tells him.

"I think you need to talk to Alyssa and be honest with her. Just be straight up with her, tell her how you feel. Cal, I know you don't want to hear this, you should've ended things with Danielle a while ago, you truly want to be with Alyssa."

Calum sighs, "I know. I'm an idiot. I didn't think college would be this hard, and this isn't even the school part."

"I get it if you need time, but as soon as you can you should go talk to Alyssa. Just go to her room and talk to her."

"I'm gonna do it. I'm gonna go see her."


Calum was determined, to say the least.

Before going to talk to Alyssa he stopped in the bathroom. He made sure nobody would be able to tell he cried. Michael stood in the doorway, watching him get ready while giving him words of encouragement.

"Okay. I'm going." Calum mumbles, taking a deep breath.

Calum wasn't completely sure what he'd say to her. He's never done something like this before. All he knew was he needed to see her.

He didn't even wait for the elevator, he practically ran down the stairs, to two floors below his.

Arriving at her door, he took a couple deep breaths before knocking. He felt like he couldn't breathe. Part of him just wanted to run back to the staircase and pretend he never showed up here.

But the door opens, and Alyssa is standing there with a smile on her face.

"Oh, Calum. Hey."

"Alyssa. Hey, I really need to talk-"

He paused, when he looked past Alyssa there was a guy sitting at the table.

Alyssa held up a finger to the guy at the table before leaving to room to speak to Calum in the hallway. He said he needed to talk and no matter what, she'd be there for him.

"No, Alyssa. It's okay. You have somebody here. It's not a big deal." Calum tells her, backing away.

"Cal, come on..."

"I'll see you around." He replies, opening the doorway to the staircase.

Alyssa sighs, waiting outside her door for a few moments, just hoping he'd come back.

She felt like he was mad she was with another guy. Part of her was hoping that wasn't true, because if it was then she just blew her chances with the only guy she cares about.


I just bought Dear Evan Hansen AND Frozen tickets for Broadway next year I'm so fucking happy but anyways now I'm gonna go write poems about how sad boys make me

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