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Calum was out with a couple friends from high school. They were going to invite Ashton as well, because he was part of their group in high school. But Calum had asked if they could leave him out this time. Which lead to them sitting in Charlie's basement, both Charlie and Seth forcing Calum to talk about Ashton.

"Dude, you have to tell us what happened. You two were bros. What could Ashton have done for you to not want him here tonight?" Seth asks, handing Calum a beer.

"I don't know if I want to talk about it again." Calum tells them, hating that he keeps having to relive this.

"Why didn't you want to bring Dani to dinner tonight? Seth brought Amanda." Charlie adds to the questions, another which Calum doesn't want to answer.

Calum groans, chugging his beer, "I guess I need to fucking explain this whole situation again."


"Ashton fucked my girlfriend. Ex-girlfriend. That's why I don't want to be around him. That's why I didn't invite her."

"What? No he fucking didn't." Charlie mutters.

"Yeah. He got her pregnant too, so, there's that."

"No fucking way!" Seth yells, "Ashton fucked Dani got her pregnant? No!"

"Thanks, Seth." Calum mutters, getting up and grabbing a bottle of vodka from the cabinet before filling up a glass. He ends up immediately chugging half the glass before refilling it.

"Calum, slow down, Jesus Christ." Charlie says, watching his friend from across the room.

"Everybody keeps bringing it back up I need this." Calum tells them, before taking another sip of straight vodka.

"I mean, it's kinda insane."

"Oh, it's fucking insane! She was my girlfriend and he was my best friend! But apparently that doesn't mean shit to either of them!" Calum replies, joining them on the couches again.

"I'm sorry, man." Charlie sighs, "Are you okay?"

"Obviously he's not, Charlie!" Seth exclaims.

"I'm as okay as I can be. I'm not okay, but yeah. Sometimes I wanna kill him, you know? I fucking hate her, you know?" Calum says, sitting down with them.

Seth chuckles, "Yeah."

"The worst part? She told me it was mine."

"No fucking way!" Charlie yells, his jaw dropped.

Calum bitterly chuckles, "She was planning to make me believe for the rest of my life that it was mine. I fucking told my parents I was having a baby, but it's not even mine!"

Seth's eyes widen, "Shit, how did your mom react when she found out? I can already picture her screaming."

"She hated me, man. She was so disappointed. They don't even know it's not mine yet. I've barely seen my parents. Mali is telling them for me, like, right now, because I can't fucking do it." Calum tells them, quickly drinking more vodka from his cup.

"Dude, this is so fucked up."

"Yeah. I fucking know." Calum slurs, the alcohol hitting him quickly, "I didn't even want to come back for the break but you have to leave residence. It fucking sucks."

"Okay, you've had enough. You have to go back to your family after this." Charlie sighs, grabbing the cup from Calum.

Calum groans, falling back into his seat, "Is it weird I went to talk to her after all that? Is it bad that I think I still might talk to her?"

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