Mr. PEEbody

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      The next it was school

*alarm goes off*
      "Huh OH NO 7:40 I can't be late to school again

      MIKE POV: Only having 5 minutes to get ready it felt like 3 second to bike to school and it like 15 MINUTES ride ughhhhh and I told El I was gonna meet up with her before class too. UGH AND I CURSED OR WHAT!?!

     As Mike bikes to school he makes it in the nick of time but never got the chance to meet up with El.

Then as Mike came rushing into class he heard laughing as he entered the room. Then when he looked down he realized he was wearing the bunny slippers that he's had since he was five! He was so embarrassed but laughed with class and rushed to his seat.

"Haha nice shoes mike" Max said with a laugh

"Well at least I'm now wearing shoes from a discount store" Mike said laughing roasting her

"Wow solid burn but hey my shoes are the one looking at you're crappy ass bunny slippers"
Max said roasting him back

"Haha fine you win this round but I'll get you back" Mike said then they both laughed

"Mhm may I start the class please?" Said Mr.Peabody

"Yes Mr.Peabody" they said

"Mr. PEE BODY!!!!" Mike said

"More like pea BRAIN" Max said

After that they both tried to hold in there laugher but didn't hold it well since Mike bursted laughing.

"Max, Mike would you like to share what is so funny with the class?" Mr. Peabody

"No" they said they said silently

"Please do" He Said

"No thank you mr. Pee brain" Max said then bursted laughing

"Yes we really wouldn't like to share about mr. PEEbody" mike said

Then the whole class started to burst into laughter but Mr.Peabody and he had turned red as a tomato and he FLIPPED out

"THATS IT LUNCH DETENTIONS BOTH OF YOU!" Mr.Peabody shouted and stormed out of the room

    Then the room went silent in that moment but once Mr.Peabody left they both bursted with laugher

"Yep that lunch detention was worth it" Max said

"YES" Mike said
"Oh what are we gonna do about El I don't think she'll be happy to here we have lunch detention together"

"Nahhh me and her are cool now" max said

Then the bell rang and it was time for there next class

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