Lunch detention

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As Mike had grabbed his things and was about to go to lunch detention he went to leave his eyes got covered and he heard

"Guess who" said the voice

"Umm let me guess El?" Mike said

"Woah do you have powers to Mike?" She said sarcastically

"Yes now I am going to make the school explode" Mike said and they both laughed

"Sooo where you going" she asked

"Lunch detention long story but let's say Mr.Peabody can't take a joke" Mike said

"Oh" El said kinda sad

"Hey how about I meet you at the arcade after school" Mike said

"Nancy just got a job there so I'll try and talk her in to letting us go out in the employees only area" he whispered

"Ok" El said

"Well bye mike" giving him a kiss

Then she left the room


"So what you and El talk about?" Max asked

"What how did you know-" Mike said then getting interrupted

"After you had talked to her or even saw her you get this weird smile also you litterally stare into space" Max said

"Huh what?" Mike said

"See what I mean" Max said

Then they kinda of sat there for a few minutes it was only them and Miss.Dormatty but you know she was sleeping or at least that's what it looked like then Max notice something Mike was drawing

"Whatcha drawing there Mike" Max asked curiously

"Ummmm..... something for art class" he said in a panicky voice

"Mmh" Max said and went back to her work

Mike's POV:
Oh no max is now getting curious of what i was doing ugh NO ONE can ever see this drawing now even El because the whole reason it is El. I usually draw her and that's what half of my note book is fill with El. I don't want El, Max and the rest of my friends to think I'm a creep. That would be HORRIBLE for my reputation and my relationship with El so yeah this stays to me, myself I and of course you my notebook

Detention (same scene)

But as Mike was putting away the note book Max grabbed it right out of his hands

"NO DONT OPEN IT!!!" Mike shouted but no such luck she was half way though the thing. Then Mime  was speechless after hearing what Max said

"woah Mike these drawing of El are amazing! Why haven't you shown them to us?" She asked confused

"Because I didn't want you guys to think I was creepy" Mike said

"Well it's not you have to show them to the rest of the party Mike plus El would love them" Max said

"No I can't just please don't talk about it please?" Mike said

"Ok I won't but you have to tell them about them at some point" Max said

"Or I will deal?"

"Deal" Mike said

Then Max and Mike had a friendly hug and started picking up there stuff to go to there next class. But they didn't know that El had been listening to them but she didn't know what they were talking about. Then she started to feel angry and wanted to use her powers. But she knew if she did she would be expelled so she did the right thing and didn't. But that didn't stop her from wondering "what were they talking about ?"

But El knew they were gonna come out anytime soon so she came in and acted like everything was fine. And it turns out Lucas also came in to visit Max

"Hi Mike" El said

"Hey El" Mike said

Then when they came close enough together they had pretty much hugged until.

"Ooooo Mike you the ladies man today except for that one she's mine" Lucas said looking at Max

"Yep this dude stole my heart" Max said giving a girly laugh

Max giving Lucas a kiss

"So what your next class Lucas?" Mike asked

"Health how about you?" Lucas said

"Same me and El have health too" Mike said wrapping his arm around El

"Ugh i have social studies great" Max said

"Well at least you got Dustin and Will" El said

"Oh yeah I do is it bad I forgot about them for a second" Max said

"Nope me and Mike use too all the time so it's good" Lucas said


"Well time our next class" Mike said

"Well bye Max" they all said

"Bye you guys" Max said

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