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          As Will sadly walked home Lucas, Max and Dustin saw him as he walked by the windows of the ice cream parlor.

"Hey wasn't Will going to the arcade?" Max asked

"Yeah that's what I thought but I guess not" Lucas said

      Then Max came outside to go get Will to see what was wrong with him as Lucas and Dustin followed

"Hey Will what's wrong you seem how do you say depressed" Max said

She said to Will as they sat on the side of the ice cream shop

"Well Mike pretty much told me to beat it so he could spend time with El which I get it's just we never get time to hang out like in middle school and-" Will said but then stopped as he saw Dustin and Lucas

"Heyo what's up why you so upset" Lucas asked

"Yeah what the fuck happened to you were so excited to finally go back the arcade" Dustin said

But Will sat quietly there and didn't say a word but then Max had taken Lucas and Dustin back inside and said

"Stay in here I'm going to go talk to Will alone"

But when she went back outside she went back to talk to Will

"Will why did you stop talking when Lucas and Dustin got here?" She asked curiously

"Because I'm not sad about Mike and El" He responded
"Nor mad at them"

"Wait are you saying you're jealous?" Max asked out of surprise

Will just looked down at the concrete road and didn't responded then Max asked

"Are you jealous because you like El?"
Still nothing he didn't even move just kept staring at the ground until Max's face went blank and asked

"Or is it because you like Mike?"

Then Will looked up at her and she looked him and he shook his head

"I don't know why I feel this why about Mike all of a sudden one day I didn't see an interest in girls anymore" he said quitely then asked Max

"Is there something wrong with me"

Then she replied
"No not at all but does anyone know that your gay?"

"No" he replied
"But please don't tell anyone please" he said while tears filled his eyes

"I won't I promise you" Max said

Then she gave him a hug and they went back into the ice cream shop and rejoined with Lucas and Dustin

"Hey Max why he depressed looking" Lucas asked

"Because um Mike bailed on him to go the arcade and he was supposed to pay" she said

"Oh wow man that does suck" Lucas said slurping down a milkshake

"Wow that was a douchy thing of Mike like come it's Christmas for god sake" Dustin said chewing on a waffle

"Well my parents are going to Florida tonight and Billy is going on a date so we got the house to ourselves anyone in for eating Christmas cookies and vodka while watching Christmas movies?" Max asked

"Yeah I'm in"
"Same here"
"Sure why not"

"Wait are Mike and El going?" Will asked

"I don't care but they'll probably make out the whole time" Lucas said

"Yeah probably" Dustin said

"Ok then no Mike and El got it" Max said
"Also remember come over at 7pm sharp got it?"

"Got it" Lucas Dustin and Will responded

Then they had grabbed there coats and started to walk home. And talking about tonight until they ran into Mike and El.

"Hey guys what's up I have a question you guys busy tonight?" Mike asked

"Yeah we are" Max said
"We're all going to my place tonight"

"Oh cool" El said

"Yeah we're having a Christmas movie marathon how about you guys?" Lucas asked

"Same here" Mike said

"Well bye guys have fun" El said

"Bye guys see you on Monday" Mike said

"Ok bye"
"See you later"

Then they all went there separate ways

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