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Stop comparing your progress with others progress
Maybe a lot of us considered ourselves failures just because we're unable to compete with other people
But always remember that
There will always be someone better than you and your capacity of doing certain things
There will always be someone more wiser
There will always be someone more financially capable
There will always be someone more physically fit and attractive
There will always be someone more artistic and creative in spreading his/her art
There will always be someone more skilled and more prepared as they aim the same pathway towards success you're also aiming

Some people will be better than you but that doesn't invalidate your own strengths and knowledge in doing certain things.
It doesn't mean that you're not enough and you're not suited to be the best version of yourself.
That is just part of the cycle of human life
Someone will be better than you in order for you to learn from them and adapt the way they execute their advantages in certain situation. After all we are all a product of different histories. And we are living differently in our own unique way.
Don't rush and take things at your pace
Slowly but surely you will be the ultimate version of yourself.

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