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If you're looking for a sign today this is it
I want to start this by saying don't settle
Don't settle being someone's alternative.
You have to realized that you don't deserve to be half loved or half chosen because in fact you deserve a love that will not treat you like an option.
Don't settle for a job that never acknowledge your potential, that cease your creativity and growth because it blocks you from opportunities you deserved.
Don't settle for fake friends that only treat you a friend when they need something that only you can give, when they used you when its convenient to them. They will drain you instead of filling you up. They will leave you empty handed.
Don't settle for unhealthy routines that punishes your body and mental health
You deserve a healthy body and a lifestyle that you won't regret as you grow older.
Don't settle for toxicity, you only pollute the air of your own soul by means of digesting the same poison that slowly pulling the beauty of yout existence.
Just don't settle darling. I believe that you deserve more and I hope one day you will learn to believed that you can be more.

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