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You will fall in love countless times in your life that will teach you different lessons to be a better person.

You might fall in love with someone you think as perfect human, you will do anything so this person will not leave you even if you hurt yourself in the process. This person will teach you that nobody is perfect, that all people have hidden scars and inner demons that you cannot handle, will teach you that not all perfect people and things are ideal.

You might fall in love with your dearest friend because you think that you've built enough foundation to move to the next level but in the end you ruined your friendship forever. This will teach you that some friends will only be "just friends" and you can't force them to be mutually love you and engage them in intimate relationship.
It's a battle between the fine line of friendship and relationship.

You might fall in love with someone like you, someone that you vibe within the things you love the most like travelling, watching the sunsets, waiting for the shooting stars in the middle of starry night. Someone with the same personality, same likes and dislikes, same love language. And this person will teach you how beautiful your own existence. This person will make you see the universe within your soul. And this person will make you realized your purpose and your plans on what you want to be in the near future.

And when you're finished encountering this kind of people you will realized that the people who care about you and support everything you do are the ones that are silently suffering and screaming inside. The ones who pushed you away actually needed you to stay. You will learn that love is not something you can define by yourself, something that shallow people will never understand. You will learn that love is different to anyone who experience it, you don't label it as painful or happiest moment in your life. You will define it as an integral stage that will define your growth and maturity. You will learn to respect and understand those people that have been criticized by others as "needy" or"attention seeker" knowing that all humans on earth only wants to love and to be loved.

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