Part One: Pilot

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Why..? Why am I suddenly remembering things, now?!

Daryl's voice screamed as the darkness inside his own head began to fade- the world as it use to be before the dead fed off the living.

The soft, girly giggles filled the air as the blackness subsided while the hazy sunlight destroyed it; that's when a small toddler appeared in front of Daryl's eyes- her own orbs a bright hazel green.

"Spin faster, daddy!" The small girl giggled as a loud, thick southern accent chuckle laced the air with the small childs' giggles.

"Alrigh', hold on, sunshine!" The accent bellowed as the spinning world around them went faster- that's when a soft, motherly voice called out to them.

"Careful, Dixon! She might vomit."

"Like she would vomit on her favorite parent, Valery." Daryl scoffed with a half-hearted laugh, rolling his bright blue orbs sarcastically as he brought the toddler down from the sky; placing her on his hip as he walked over to his beloved wife, placing his slightly chapped lips against her rosy, pale skin.

"Careful what you say, Dixon. You didn't have to carry her for nine months, then push her out for two whole hours." Valery laughed as she leaned forward, pecking his cheek back softly as they both turned to their daughter before both placing their lips on her cheeks- thus making her squeal and giggle.

"I love you both, so much.. So much.." His voice came out as a whisper as darkness began to redesend and the cheeky couple's voices were replaced with shouts of anger and dispute.

Once, Daryl reopened his eyes- they settled into the teenage girl that stood before him and his group- her pistol pulled and loaded as his eyes darted around he could see that his friends; and those he considered family were also pointing their weapons at her.

He could tell she was afraid.. But being afraid is what makes you human in this type of world... Right?

His eyes slightly studied the delicate girl as he noticed her wide, teary eyes while squinting his own eyes, they suddenly went wide as he dropped his crossbow to the dusty ground before his quivering lips and choked breath sighed out, "Lilith?"


Hello, everyone ! So I've decided to finish watching the walking dead which, I'm honestly so many season behind but after watching a few of these- I realized just how much I missed the show!

So in celebration of my returning to the amazing series, I've decided to start the Southern Sunshine series.

This is basically the story about Daryl Dixon finding his daughter; only to find out that in the end- faith works in mysterious ways.

I can't wait to write more in this series, and I'm excited to see if anyone will actually like it so~ Enjoy! 💖

*Photo is of Lilith*

Disclamier : I Obviously Do Not Own Any Of The Walking Dead Characters; just Lilith and the plot of the story.

{ Will Be Fixing Cover As Soon As Possible} 

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