Part Two: Survival of the Fittest

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Stepping gently around the fallen bodies of my old group- I began to shift through their remains for anything of value, or anything to help me survive.

My light green, blue-ish eyes darted around trying to see anything in the fading light as I sighed, only finding a few pieces of mints, and old shotgun shells.

Lightly scoffing, I threw the items off to the side as I pulled the old, tattered bandana down from my nose and lips as I grabbed my bag and threw it over my shoulder before taking out my pocket knife and jabbing it through their skulls- killing the brain.

Shaking my head gently, I pulled the rag back up around my face as I wiped the knife clean on my jeans before turning on my heel and walking towards my two dogs- Red, a gorgeous red female pit bull and Rum, a handsome grey male pit bull. 

"Hi, my babies- you did a good job defending mommy. Thank you." My voice came out suffocated yet I knew they understood as they both barked once and began to walk ahead of me; continuing to ward off dangers.

I pulled on their loose, worn rope leashes as I widened my eyes, now hearing the sound of a running car engine; which I haven't heard in about, two- maybe three years? I felt my lips pull into a smirk as I looked over at Red, her eyes holding mischief already.

"You know what to do, girl."

In that moment, Red slipped her head out of the rope- I take hold of Rum's disaster of a collar as Red ran out as the car came into view. I could feel Rum shift his weight onto his other legs as I wrapped my arms tightly around him.

"She's fine, Rum. She's okay." My voice was a muffled whisper as we watched from the forest thicket.

The car came to a screeching halt as two doors opened and closed- showing that someone had gotten out. I felt my heart begin to race as I bit my lip, slowly reaching back I rested my hand against the handle of my pistol.

"Dad, did you hit it?!" A sudden young males' voice shouted as I felt a lump grow in my throat.

"No, no, I don't think so- she looks alright." A rougher, older sounding male voice called back as I heard the sound of shoes scuffing against the asphalt as he made his way closer to Red.

She quickly rolled over into her legs, rising and moving backward, away from him as I watched his movements as he raised both hands, trying to show he had no threat to her- yet she bared her teeth.

"Woah, hey, it's okay, girl- it's alright, come here." His voice sounded caring, but Red continued to bare her teeth and growl, that's when I noticed her eyes held something I haven't seen in awhile- fear.

"Actually, I would you rather step away from my dog- now." I spoke with a growl, as Rum and myself exited out of the thicket; pulling out my pistol and cocking it.

"Woah, woah, hey! There no need to point guns here- why don't you come back with us? We have a camp-"

"At the prison? Yes, I know- I've noticed the frequent activity around the area. And on that note, no. I don't work well with- other people." I scoffed, giving a small whistle as Red came trotting over- her head hung low some as I placed the loose rope around her neck as she sat at my side.

"We could protect you! We have shelter, food, and water! We are trying to build a community there!" The man shouted after me as I squinted my eyes, as I turned my back towards him- feeling his bright blue orbs trying to scorch my back.

"I have protection- their names are Red and Rum, plus if you double-cross me, or them- they'll you know, murder you."

I clicked my tongue as Red, Rum, and I began to walk away back towards the small camp I had set up a while back- already knowing that the whole group thing wasn't going to work out.

"What about your survival?! You need food and water, don't you?!" The man called after me as I stopped walking and turned toward him- smirking over my shoulder as I pulled the mask from my face, wearing it around my throat.

"Rick, isn't it? Listen, I can understand your... Concern for my survival, but I'd rather not get back stabbed anymore by anyone in my life. Now, if you will excuse me-"

"Can we know your name!?" A sudden voice called as I went to walk away- but I could tell this wasn't Rick.

Turning back around, there stood maybe a 14-15 year old boy by Rick. Arching one of my eyebrows as I felt my rosy lips turn into a genuine smile.

"My name..? Well, what's yours?" My eyes slightly brightened as he sent me a small smile.

"My names Carl, Carl Grimes."

"Ah, so, you're Rick's boy... Well, it was very nice to meet you both, now, if you don't mind... It's the survival of the fittest out here, and I plan on staying the fittest." I sighed as I began to walk away, trailing behind Red and Rum.

"Hey! What's your name!?" Carl called, running a little bit towards me, only for me to turn around on a heel- facing him as he came to a halt.

"Ah, yes... My name is Lilith.." I smiled as he looked at me with somewhat glittering blue eyes.

"Lilith what?!" He called when suddenly a horde began to make its way from the thicket, this making Red and Rum begin to bark and snarl.

"Go! Stay safe and stay alive! If I need you- I will find you!" I yelled, as I released Red and Rum- beginning to attack some walkers that had gotten too close.

"How will you find us?!" Rick called as Carl and himself ran towards their car- turning on my heel as I pulled out my knife, stabbing the walkers that the dogs took out.

"I'm a great tracker! It's in my DNA!" I called back with a large smile before running after the pits before me- their shiny grey and red coats glistening from the sun as the groaning and moaning of walkers filled the air.

I couldn't help but scoff while thinking, am I really considering joining that stupid group at the prison? God... I must be loopy. 

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