Part Four: Community

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My eyes fluttered open as I looked around to see only cement and bars surrounding me, I sat up slowly as I felt this sudden nauseous wave hit me.

"Ooh, God..." I whispered when suddenly I heard loud voices from from behind this cell like door- that's when I realized that... That Rick must've found me, or hopefully him.

"Rum..? H..Here boy!" I slightly shuttered as this cold breeze blew through the prison, thus making me shiver as I slowly pushed myself up from the hard floor.

"You're awake, that's good." Suddenly a older, gravel like sounding voice chuckled as I spun around seeing this man standing before the cell door; crunches holding him up as my eyes noticed... He's missing a leg.

I gulped gently as I nodded, trying to find my lost voice but only a measly cough left my throat.

"Well, may I take a look at you? Rick said you were a friend of his, no?" He smiled as he hobbled closer, crossing the floor in a matter of seconds.

I nodded slowly, as I settled down against the small concert wall- a weak smile on my lips as he sat on the bench next to me; placing his hand against my forehead as he nodded.

"Got some news, doc?" I smirked with a small laugh as I gave a small sniff.

"Ha, well, first, I'm a vet. Second, sounds like you have a small cold from that dip in our drinking water... But, you should be alright after perhaps a day or two- just no more swimming, got it..?" The old man's voice trailed as I looked up at him, when it struck me.

"Oh, um, Lilith.. Thank you..?"

"Lilith, what a lovely name. And I'm Hershel, now, if you are feeling alright and able, I believe Rick is in the cell block eight over there." Hershel pointed as I turned to see.. "Rum!" I laughed with a small wheeze as I quickly got up and went toward the cell door, shooting my hand through as I petted the pits' neck and head.

"He's missed you, you know." Suddenly another male voice spoke, yet I knew who it was..

"Rick.. You found me, I'm assuming." I cracked a smile as a I hoisted myself up with the help of the bars as he waved Carl over, who quickly unlocked the door allowing me to step inside- that's when I saw all of these people begin to leave the cells on the bottom and top floor.

"I... I didn't know you had this many people." I gave a awkward laugh, as Rum rubbed against my still soaking legs as I wrapped my arms around my slightly shivering body.

"Yea, well, you never really gave me the chance to tell you, did ya? But yes, we have a lot of people because we are building a community here.." He smirked as I rolled my eyes, as Carl and this blonde headed girl- around his age stepped forward.

"Is.. Is that a baby?" I laughed in astonishment as I went to walk forward, but the blonde quickly backed away. That's when realized... I'm covered in dry walker, human, and dog blood along with a cold.

"Yes, that's my daughter, Judith. I would let you hold her but-" Rick began but I cut him off quickly.

"No, no, it's alright... I understand." I smiled weakly as I turned away, coughing.

"Here, let's get you a cell so you can rest.." Rick began to push me towards the bed of the hallway, but I quickly backed away suddenly feeling the need to leave.

"I..I'm sorry, Rick, but I can't. I told you, I don't work well with-"

"I know... But your sick, Lilith- you need to at least rest. You can even take the very end cell, I'll make sure no one bothers you." He began to offer as I bit the inside of my cheek.

Quickly I looked down at Rum who had this look of, 'just stay until you're better,' in his eyes as I sighed.

"Alright, but only for the time being of me being sick.. Then you guys won't hear from me, ever again." I mumbled, moving back into the lunchroom area and grabbing my bag as I whistled for Rum to follow me to the very last cell on bottom floor.

I could feel all of their eyes watching me as I slowly walked in, setting my bag down in the ground next to my bed as Rum came trotting in.

Sitting down on the bottom bunk, I patted the area next to me; this giving Rum the oak to jump up there and lay down.

"Get some rest boy, you deserve it." I whispered as he whimpered before shutting his eyes. My hand get my rubbing his head as I felt my eyes begin to water.

Trying to keep my sobs to a muffled squeak, I grabbed my bag and pulled out my old, worn out leather wallet as I looked at the picture that held Red and Rum when they were just pups...

My lips curled into a smile as a lump began to form in my throat, before I covered my quivering mouth before coughing out a sob.

"Goddamnit.. Goddamnit!" I choked, before settling my head in my hands as I heard someone clear their throats.

Quickly I looked up and wiped my cheeks and eyes with the back of my hand as I saw this.. Korean? Standing in my doorway, that's when I noticed...

"Are those my-"

"Your dogtags? Yea, I'm sorry.. We saw them and though that-" He started but I quickly snapped with gritted teeth.

"What? That I was some.. Some military who was trying to save people from the damned world we live in?! Well, guess what, I'm not and even if there was- they wouldn't saved anyone! They would leave us all to be damned!" My voice cracked as I heard it echo through the prison, suddenly hearing loud baby cries as he stared at me with wide, helpless eyes.

I opened my mouth say something, but quickly walked forward grabbing the necklaces from his grip as a I shoulder checked past him; hiding my teary eyes with my hand as I walked past all of the people.

"Fuck.." I grumbled as I exited out into the bright, blinding sun. Shielding my cold, itchy red eyes from it as I looked around, seeing more people as I quickly turned away and began to walk out towards the yard.

"Lilith! Lilith, wait!" I could hear Rick yelling, but I continued to walk, only to break out into somewhat of a hobbled run.

My vision was blurry from the sudden tears as I found myself further away from them, all I could hear were the groans and moans from the walkers in front of me.

That's when I saw.. One in particular, he wore a military jacket around his neck, as if her had tried to... To hang himself with it. I choked back more sobs as I realized slowly that... That maybe this whole planet was already damned...

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