Chapter 1

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~Just a quick author's note: I've read the few Squip x Reader fics that I could find and there honestly aren't enough online, so I'm taking it upon myself to try and write one and if it goes well then I may try and write a Female Squip x Reader fic and/or some random one shots. I'm not an experienced writer so I'll take any constructive criticism! Also this story is written for a female reader's perspective (sorry guys!) but if someone would like I could write another book from a male reader's perspective. I'd love to know if the chapter is long enough just so I can write them longer if y'all would like. Enjoy guys!~

"Hello.... (Y/N)?" Michael was waving his hand in my line of vision. I snapped out of my daydream. My friends, Jeremy and Michael, were walking with me to school. I had been friends with these guys since I could remember, the three outcasts. I smiled in response as if to say that I was listening. Michael and Jeremy smiled back at me and the three of us continued on our way school.

When we arrived at school I said my goodbyes to the boys and made my way to my locker. I put in the combination and checked me timetable. History and... Maths ergh! I grabbed the corresponding books and tried to close my locker. As I was pushing the flimsy, metal door I dropped my books, making a loud thud on the ground. The other people in the hall looked at me but someone rushed over. It was... Rich? Why would he be rushing over to help me!? Rich knelt to the ground to pick up the books.
"Maths and History, hey?" his voice almost sounded nervous. I laughed.
"Yeah, hopefully the Maths lesson will pass quickly." He laughed in response.
"Hey (Y/N), can we talk?" I nodded and he pulled me aside.
"I need to show you this."
He put his hand in his pocket and pulled it out to reveal a grey, oblong pill in a small clear bag.
"Rich! Are you trying to sell me drugs because I'm definately not interested!"
"No, no, no (Y/N), of course not! This is better than drugs. It's from Japan. It's a grey, oblong pill, quantum-nano technology CPU."His eyes grew wider as he spoke." There's a quantum computer in the pill and once you take it, it will travel through your blood until it implants itself in your brain and helps you. It helps you with life and to achieve whatever you desire."
I was shocked. Why does Rich have access to super computers?
"Rich, of all the people to give a super computer to, why me? I spoke, my voice faltering slightly from the shock.
"Well (Y/N), because I think it would be good for you. I know that I'm a bit of a jerk sometimes but that's only because my Squip told me to act like that. Now he's telling me that you're not such a bad person even though you hang out with the nerds. Don't you remember me in freshman year?"
I thought for a moment.
"But you didn't go here freshman ye-"
I was cut off.
"Ahh! Yes, I did but you didn't notice, nobody did."
The bell rang for first period. Rich looked around before placing the small clear bag in the palm of my hand.
"(Y/N), just have the pill. Drink it with regular Mountain Dew. I'll see you later."

I now have a choice. I can take whatever Rich just put in my hand, or I can throw it in the trash... Oh shit! I'm going to be late for History.

I placed the pill in my bag and ran off to class.


After class I met Michael at our usual hangout spot. Michael had skipped maths to go to 7/11. I could tell because he was eating sushi and drinking Mountain Dew. Mountain Dew! As I approached the table I called out to Michael.
"Where's Jeremy?"
He shrugged. I put my bag down on the grassy Earth.
"Hey, uh, Michael can I have a sip of your Mountain Dew?" I slipped one of my hands into my pocket as he handed me the bottle of fizzy, green liquid.

"Sure (Y/N), save some for me though!" We both giggled. goes nothing.

I removed the small, grey pill from its bag and held it tightly in the palm of my hand.

Was I really about to do this? I mean, what's the worst it could do?

Without hesitation, I raised my head to my mouth and jerked my head back, sending the pill into my mouth. I then raised the bottle of Mountain Dew to my mouth and took a few mouthfuls. I swallowed. Well, no going back now.

"Thanks Michael!" I flashed him a cheesy grin and handed him back his drink. I look over to see Jeremy approaching us.
"And where have you been J?"

He sat down on the grass and faced Michael and I with wide eyes.
"I just had a weird run in with Rich" his voice was....strange, like he was in shock.
Could he have gotten a Squip too?
Jeremy took a deep breath before speaking
"Yo Michael, can I have some of your Mountain Dew?"
"Yeah, but be quick because I've gotta meet with this guy. He's been able to hook me up with some Crystal Pepsi. It's like regular Pepsi, but clear!"
We all chuckled and Jeremy took a quick gulp of the sugary drink. Michael stood up and placed his bag on his shoulder before Jeremy handed him back his drink.
"I'll see you guys after school!"

After Michael left I looked at Jeremy.
"What did Rich want?" His eyes met with mine.
"He gave
"Yeah, I wonder when it's going to work or if it's even going to work." He sighed. "Maybe Christine will notice me now."
I placed my hand on his shoulder.
"I don't know Jeremy, I heard the other day that she liked Jake. I think they're a couple."
Jeremy shook my hand off my shoulder. His eyes narrowed.
"No. Rich told me that it would help me get whatever I want. I care about Christine, (Y/N), I want to be with her."
"I'm sorry Jeremy, but I don't think she thinks of you in that way."
He grabbed his bag and stormed away without another word.
"J-Jeremy!" I yelled out to him. "Come back!"

A flash of pain traveled through my body and I sank to the ground. The pain was close to unbearable. Waves of fire seemed to cover my body and tears filled my eyes. Everyone was staring. I could hear a faint hum in the back of my mind. Out of nowhere a smooth, male voice spoke.

"Target male inaccessible."

Another jolt ran through me.

"Calibration is process. Please excuse some mild discomfort."

"Mild!?" I bit down on my lip in an attempt not to scream. It stopped.
"Phew, I think I'm alright."

"Discomfort level may increase."

My body was overcome with pain. My skin felt like it was on fire and I could help but scream out.

"Accessing neural memory.
Accessing muscle memory.
Access procedure complete.
(Y/N) (L/N)..."

A pair of electric, blue eyes met mine. He looked like a tall, twenty-something year old with sharp features, slightly-curly, tousled brown hair, and legs for days. I was speechless. He was gorgeous.

"Welcome to your Super Quantum Unit Intel Processor. Your Squip."

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