Chapter 4

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I woke to the sound of Daveed Diggs' fast-paced rapping in 'Guns and Ships'. I groaned at the blast of noise and reached out of bed for my phone.

5 o'clock!?

What ungodly hour does he call this!?

There was a loud, whirring noise which seemed to be coming from the kitchen. The Squip was no longer by my side so I thought it was safe to assume that he was the source of the dreadful noise in my kitchen. I lied there for a few minutes.

What is he doing?

The noise came to a halt and footsteps echoed towards my door. The door handle twisted and I pulled the covers over my head and pretended to sleep.

"(Y/N)...." he giggled under his breath, but then made his voice serious "(Y/N), I know you're awake. I'm inside your brain so I just know, but you weren't doing a very good job of pretending. I've made you a breakfast smoothie which contains enough nutrients to help you start your day. No coffee."

I let out a long groan and flung the covers from my body. The quick change of temperature hit me and I scrambled to pull them back.
"Y/N, we don't have time for this." I felt the blankets slowly lift away and an opening in my curtain allowed a small beam of light to hit my face.
Ugh... Fine.
I sat up and my feet hit the frozen floorboards. I groaned once more and rubbed the sleep from my eyes. The Squip cleared his throat and I realised that I probably looked rather strange. He stared and tapped his foot before throwing me a pair of fluffy, bunny-shaped slippers.
"C'mon, up you get!"

He left my room and I quickly followed him, grabbing my dressing gown and tying it around my waist. As I walked out, he gestured towards the dining table where there was a platemat and glass set out.

"What's this for?" I looked up at him and he ran his fingers through his hair, fluffing it up.
"I made you breakfast. A nutritious is essential to ensure you have enough energy for the day. This is very important if you wish to repair your relationship with Jeremy."
I broke eye contact for a brief moment.
How am I meant to do that?
"We will discuss that later, (Y/N). " He placed a plate and glass on the table before me.
He spoke, placing things on the plate and in the glass. "I have prepared fried egg and toast. I entered your brain to find a nutritious breakfast that you enjoy, ensuring that everything is to your preferance. I have also prepared a smoothie of yoghurt, banana, blueberries, honey, and a few other ingredients. I hope you enjoy it."
I looked up him. He flashed me a cheesy grin, obviously proud of himself. I stood up from the chair and opened my arms to embrace him.
"Thankyou for taking care of me like this, I really appreciate it."
"I'm glad, (Y/N). Now.. Eat!!"

He removed his arms from my frame and sat me back down onto the chair. He sat beside me in anticipation. I slowly cut a small bite of the egg and toast and brought it to my mouth. This was bliss. I chewed quickly and savoured the taste.

I could get used to this. A perfect breakfast.

I relished in the amazing breakfast before remembering the main task at hand: getting Jeremy back.

I took a final swig of the refreshing smoothie and placed my used dishes into the sink to wash later. I made my way to the bedroom to pick out clothing for the day.
Hmm. I need a little music to kick me off for the day.
Behind me, my speaker started spitting music full blast.
Bend and Snap.
You're welcome.

I pulled items of clothing from my wardrobe in time to the pulsing beat, bending and snapping between planning my outfit. I eventually settled on a cute pair of mom jeans and a flowy, satin top in a baby pink that Elle Woods would be proud of. I topped it off with a pair of sneakers and a black bomber jacket to fight the chill.

A knocked played on my bedroom door.
"How are you going in there, (Y/N)?"
"You're welcome to come in if you want, I don't mind. "
He twisted the handle and stepped through the frame, grinning from ear to ear.
"I find your outfit extremely tasteful. The neutral colours fall nicely with both your hair and complexion without screaming out for attention. All eyes will want to fall upon you. Not bad, (Y/N)."
I blush rose on my cheeks.
"I've.. uh.. got to... brushmyteeth."

I paced past him to the bathroom and loaded some toothpaste onto my brush before brushing them. As I did this I lightly hummed 'Thrill of First Love", allowing each note to bounce around the bathroom. I rinsed my mouth and brush. I quickly ran a comb through my hair to smooth it out and skipped back into my bedroom to pack my school bag. I opened the door to see my Squip placing unworn clothes back into my wardrobe. I looked at him apologetically.
"I lack a bit of control when the bend and snap is on. "
"I don't understand the point of that dance move. "
I giggled and carefully thought out how I would explain.
"It's a move used to try and grab the attention of someone you like. They use it to sus out the sexuality of another character. I'll show you."
I bent over, extending my leg out to the ground and quickly snapped up, bringing my hands near my ribs in one, swift motion.
"Well I, uh, see. I can understand how it may be, uhh... effective in that situation."
A strange expression lingered on his face for a few seconds before he looked down at his feet and back up at me.
"C'mon, (Y/N). We had better get a move on. "
He grabbed my bag from my bed, fully packed, and gestured for me to leave the room. I exited the house and locked it with a click behind me.

We walked down the driveway and onto the footpath, side by side.
"You're lucky you only live a few streets from the school. We have plenty of time for you to walk, rather than catching the bus in. This short walk ensures that you are doing the minimum amount of exercise required to remain healthy."

"Thanks, Squip... can I ask something?" I watched my feet and tried to avoid both the cracks and join lines on the path. "I want to know wh-"
"You want to know what the game plan is with Jeremy."
My eyes found his and I nodded ever so slightly.
"The best way to do it is to speak to him. I know it's the last thing he wants because he craves popularity, but there is only a minimal probability that he will ever find friends as good as you and Jeremy. We need to speak to Michael too, and explain everything."

I nodded again, this time feeling my eyes filI with tears. He walked closer to me. He reached for my hand. He gave that hand a gentle squeeze. He didn't let go.

We approached the gates of the school and I felt my Squip's hand disappear. Shocked, I turned around, only to find that I was walking alone.
"I can't be in my humanoid form when there are too many people around. You must understand that there are risks."

I know. I get it.

"But I'll still be here every step of the way. Now you need to enter the west corridor. You know what to do."

I felt my legs pull me through the main doors and towards the main doors. Posters littered the walls reminding every living being that the Winter Wonderland Dance would be soon. The frantic reminder of the school social hierarchy. I entered the west corridor and saw Jeremy standing by his locker, a different person. Or what was left of him. I slowed my pace, planning my halt. Avoiding eye contact, I stepped forward and held my breath.

~Author's Note: I'm back, guys! I have been receiving comments for what feels like a year or so, and you guys have finally guilted me into releasing another chapter. In saying this, I have to admit that my BMC obsession has died down a little (I have discovered a plethora of musicals since then) but that won't stop me from writing fun content in my spare time for you guys to rekindle my love for the story. Your feedback has been so kind and has pushed me to write another chapter. Hopefully you guys still enjoy what I'm doing with it and if you guys have any suggestions for the story, feel free to comment or message me directly so I can bring your ideas into the story. Chapter 5 is already in the works, so keep an eye out :) ~

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⏰ Última atualização: Apr 22, 2019 ⏰

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A New Purpose  [Squip x Reader]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora