Underwater Berlin Wall Encounter

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'well prepare urself' t-poss mann say as he use frist attac. 'i shal ues... SPEEDWAGAN' Suddenly there was a slight increase in grammar as a fucking bright yellow Reo Speedwagon came out of nowhere and smashed into the wall. 'oOf, crtikle damag' bubba say'.

'hahahahA. may do damag, but i still stronk!' the wall did a thing and damag'd t-poss mann & Co. 'how the cuckles did what wh' t-poss mann aks b4 bubba cut him of and lookd strayght at wall. 'i will cuckles you hardar maan. now witness TIHS!'

bubba pull out secrt spupa nova card out of pocket

But it wasn't Supernova.
NANI?!Instead the card showed a skull and crossbones over a wheel.The card burned up despite being underwater. Rumbling was heard. No... rattling..."...who...""rattled...""ME BONES?!" The image of a dreadful skeleton, sporting a ゴゴゴゴmenacingゴゴゴゴ eye patch and pirate hat. The uncovered eye seemed like an empty void.The sheer sight of the skeleton god rattled everyone's bones."Holy shit. "The ground itself began to rattle. From the ground rose a horrific sunken ship, blazing with spectral flame.Everything seemed to rattle. Bubbaseemed completely emotionless. The bone lord approached him in a ゴゴゴゴM E N A C I N Gゴゴゴゴ pose."WAS IT YOU?""... IT WAS...Bubba didn't move an inch"... WHAT DID YOU SUMMON ME FOR, FUCKBOY?""...WELL? IF YOU BROUGHT ME HERE THE LEAST YOU COULD FUCKING DO IS ASK A REQUEST OF ME? FUCK."The world was still rattling.0".......holyfuck.""uhh""th-uh-wh-why-hwa-huh-uhh"Rattlebones rattled his bones at Bubba. "OUT WITH IT FUCKFACE"No, no, Bubba thought he could get some more profit out of this.Too late, Rattlebones had already boarded the ship. The rattling died down.What the fuck was the wall thinking of.Suddenly the rattling picked up, even more so now.The cannons began firing at the wall, letting loose what could very feasibly have been fucking meteors at an alarming rate.THE RATTLING WAS NOW DEAFENING. UPON CLOSER INSPECTION THE CANNONS WERE NOW FIRING FUCKING SKULLSTHE WHOLE GAYVERSE SEEMED TO SHAKE WHAT THE FUCK. THEIR OWN BONES RATTLED WITH THE VOLLEY.THE RATTLING WAS FUCKFuck was rattling theTHE CANNONS WERE FIRING THE SKULLS WERE FLYING THERE SEEMED TO BE HOLY FUCK HOW MANY CANNONS FORS THIS SHIT HAVE IT LIKE FUCK THERE WERE LIKE AN INFINITE AMOUNT OF CANNONS NANI THE FUCKTHE GROUND OPENED UP UNDER THE WALL AND IT FUCKING DESCENDED INTO WHO THE FUCK KNOWS WHERE, PROBABLY HELL, BUT LIKE MILLIONS OF TIMES WORSE AND FUCKING BILLIONS MORE RATTLING AND FUCKThen it stopped.Everything was normal again.No ship, no rattling, no bones.'holy fucckles what the knukles' t-poss man ask

bubba mann stood looking at wlaa, excpt that walll was no dere!!111

the too decided to pretend like that didnt happeb and move on to gAy town.

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