
501 21 24

-T R A G I C-
"don't fall out of love."


sadie was awakened from blood curdling screams and loud sobs coming from downstairs. she sprinted out of her room almost tripping over herself running down the stairs when she finally reached the main floor she witnessed her father hunched over her mother's lifeless body crying into his hands. she stepped closer scraping her feet under the broken whiskey and beer bottles. her father heard her steps and turned towards her with tears in his eyes.
he choked out 'im so sorry honeybee.' Sadie's heart blew in millions of pieces, before she could get her thoughts together she felt her fathers still warm blood splatter on her face matching her freckles. tears cascaded down her face mixing with the blood, she dropped to her knees feeling regret and sadness, she continued to lay there as the police rushed into her house.

'an interruption,a simple mistake.' sadie thought to herself.

as a course blanket drooped over her shoulders, a policeman asked her questions but not a peep came out her mouth; barely a breath. her ears still rang with her mother's screams and her fathers cries the sorry's were faint, in a distance.

'miss sink.' the man repeated trying to get sadie's attention. she looked over to the cop, her eyes flowed to his badge then back to his cold, deep eyes.
'david' she whispered. 'you're a cop, you've seen shit?' she continued.
'yes,i-i have.' he muttered.
'then let me process this for a second. my parents just died in front of my eyes. I didn't stop them either.' sadie said while blankly staring into the rotating red and blue lights. david got up and walked over to the detectives to tell that he got no information off of her.

'sadie?' she heard a small familiar voice in that cut her from her thoughts. sadie looked up to find her grandmother standing in the distance, not too far, crying into a linen handkerchief. Sadie ran into her arm letting out sobs that were held in for too long.
'it's all my fault.' sadie cried out.
'it's not your fault sweetheart. they just fell out of love.' the woman responded leading her to her car out of sight of the gruesome scene.

sadie stood over the sink, placing a warm rag over her face washing her fathers dried blood off of her freckled skin. then heading to her room where she climbed into the bed buried her body in the sheets digging her face into a plush teddy bear, letting her tears soak the soft object, the soon drifting off to sleep.

prologue is done! I hope you guys enjoyed!

wc;450 (shortened)


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