chapter one

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-"hey miss high school!"

2 years later:

sadie begged and pleaded her grandmother to enroll her in the only boarding school in her state. of course it was in the middle of nowhere stranded in the middle of the woods the nearest diner was a thirty minute drive. sadie liked the idea though, there were fewer distractions, fewer things to put her off of something that meant so much to her. although the gossip around her old school teased at the thought of nothing but cute and rich boys that attended the school Sadie didn't really care she was never really boy crazy anyways she didn't think they were important.

sadie laid against the glass window her forehead was warmed by the stinging sun only getting a few glimpses of shade by the trees that blocked the pathway of the bright star, she didn't really mind it her mind was filled with the many things she could get her hands on. excitement filled her body, she could feel it in her finger tips. opening her bright blue eyes to admire the place she only dreamed of; it stood proud and tall right in front of her decorated with signs that read "welcome freshmen!"
with bright and glittery letters sparkling in the sunlight.
"monté vista-" sadie whispered.
"are you going to help me or stand in a daze?" sadies grandfather chuckled lifting up two suitcases filled to the brim with unnecessary objects, sadie thought these were relevant because they would remind her of home.

as they walked through the dated hallways they were greeted by a small woman with a bright smile with her hands clasped together.

"welcome to monté vista! cara but you can call me ms. buono." she smiled. sadie smiled back as she shook she hand immediately feeling butterflies in her stomach.
"I'll lead you to your room, your roommate is waiting for you." she continued as she walked up the steep stairs.

as sadie reached her room she heard soft music playing muffled by the thick brick walls.
♪"I wanna be the one you think about at night-"♪
"millie brown!" cara shrieked as she knocked on the door.
"yeah? I'm coming." a British voice screamed out. millie cracked open the room not letting anyone else see inside the room almost as if she's hiding something or someone.
"millie, I would like to introduce to you you're new roommate, sadie." She said waving her hands in my direction, sadie waved and smiled at the new face.
"hi, sorry this is so informal." millie spoke out.
"wait here and I'll come back." millie continued stepping back into the room. sadie heard muffled voices as if she was discussing something with someone.
"come on in." millie said opening the door inviting her in, she sat back on the bed with a curly headed boy sadie didn't pay attention or mind the people sitting on the bed she brung all of her bags in the room then started to unpack. there was an awkward silence while she was doing so until the boy spoke up.
"uhm, I'm finn it's nice to meet you." he said lifting off the high bed going to greet her with a handshake. sadie at first looked him up and down confused on what he was trying to do until she shook his hand back.
"sadie." she responded, finn nodded and turned back at millie.
"I'll see you at the orientation, right?" he said close to her face.
"yeah most definitely." millie replied planting a small peck on his lips, her cheeks grew red as she watched him walk out the room.

"is that your boyfriend?" sadie questioned as she unpacked her clothes.
"n-no not really." millie giggled.
"are you a freshman also?"
"yeah, I knew him before I came here."
"my grandparents would kill me if they knew I had a boyfriend." sadie scoffed.
"well, you're not around them anymore you're at monté vista, possibly the best school in this shithole of a state." millie said as she put her hands on sadies shoulder then grabbed her cup.
"plus, it's not like they would ever find out, what happens in mv stays in mv." she says as she takes a sip out of her cup.
"oh really?"
"yeah, my parents would kill if they knew I got shitfaced last night too." she laughed.
"just chill out everything will be safe with me, I can be your human diary." millie winked. sadie turned back around facing her bed and suitcases piled upon her bed rolling her eyes at the thought.

As hours passed sadie finally got her side of the room settled she laid and contemplated before millie dragged her up to get ready for their orientation. wearing the most basic outfit ever just to give off a to-be-known vibe about her; they walked around the campus eventually ending up at the auditorium, it was humongous with tiny painted accents along the ceilings and walls, sadie appreciated art it spoke to her in some type of way she couldn't explain. her admiration was interrupted by millie introducing her to her friends that she met the night prior. sadie gave a bright smile and a shy wave before looking back down at her hands. she flipped through the book nonchalantly whilst listening to the soft laughing and small talk happening around her. her thoughts were put to a halt once millie put her hand on her shoulder.

'we're going to the café just to chill out, are you tagging along?' she questioned looking deep into sadies eyes. sadie looking back into the warm honey eyes basically pressured her into letting out a silent yes. they all walked across the school courtyard to this building that was basically made out of glass and smell of warm pastries filled her nostrils making her comfortable in the foreign environment. they squeezed into a booth, sitting on top of each other like sardines.
'now that we're closer we can give sadie the proper introduction.' gaten said
'I'm noah.' the small boy bursted out.
'I'm skai, I arrived her today also.' the girl with huge eyes and curly hair said.
'I'm caleb, nice to finally meet you.' a boy with chocolate skin said popping out from finns side.
'and of course I'm gaten.' the curly hair boy said with a gummy smile. sadie smiled at their laughs and smiles at each other. she felt as if she made friends she could stick with for four long years. she finally felt complete and loved.

wc; 1096
republished and hopefully slightly better

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