Chapter 16

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"And that's when Dr. Palacký said that the servants would all be moved to the Noble Girls' Seminary or School or whatever he called it," Cook said. "Have another egg."

She slid another egg off her serving spoon and onto Susana's plate. Leos entered the dining room and clicked his ancient wooden heels together. "Miss Loboda, Mr. Peter is here to see you."

"Please have him come in," Susana said. She wiped her mouth with her napkin.

"Peter walked in behind Leos, and waited until Leos prompted him to approach Susana. The long table could have seated 16 people, but it was only set for one, a thin Czech girl in a black dress.

"Would you like an egg?" Susana asked. "Cook keeps bringing them to me, and I can't eat them all."

"She's got to keep up her strength," Cook said. "Look at her. She's hardly slept in days. She wanders the corridors and makes lists and frets."

"It's no wonder," Peter said. "I'm sure I couldn't sleep under the circumstances.

Cook laid out another plate next to Susana and motioned for Peter to sit down. "I've already eaten," he said.

"A strapping young man like you can always eat a little more," Cook said. She spooned two poached eggs and onto his plate and tapped the plate with her spoon to prompt him to start eating. When he started eating she patted him on the back.

When Cook bustled out of the room again Peter said, "Has Dr. Palacký been here this morning?"

"Not yet," Susana said, "but I expect him any time."

"He was at our house just a few minutes ago," Peter said. "I half expected him to beat me here."

"What was he doing at your house?" Susana asked.

"He said he was checking on the baby," Peter said.

"Is Caspar okay?" Susana asked.

"He seems fine," Peter said.

"Do you think Dr. Palacký was really checking on the baby?"

Peter looked around the room. Leos stood by the tall doors at the opposite end of the room and seemed interested in what Peter was saying.

"Do you mind if I ask your butler a question?" Peter asked.

"Of course not. Go ahead," Susana said.

"Sir," Peter said, clearing his voice so he could talk loud enough to be heard across the vast room. "What did Dr. Palacký tell the servants the other night before some of them left with him?"

"He told them that the Lobodas would no longer be able to pay them all but that he had work for them somewhere else."

Susana stood suddenly, causing her heavy dining chair to scrape against the floor. "What right has he to make such a decision?" she said. Leos bowed his head and fiddled with his hands. "And the servants, Leos?" she said. "The servants just believed him and went with him? Just like that?"

"Yes, Miss," he said.

"Where is Agnes? I haven't seen her in days," Susana asked.

"She said she would be back soon, but I haven't seen her," Leos said.

"Never trust a German!" Cook shouted from the kitchen.

"And what about you and Cook and Zdenka? What did he say to you?" she demanded.

"He said," Leos began. "He said we must stay with you here for a little longer, maybe all summer, and then we could go with you to the Noble Ladies' Orphanage."

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