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Unedited asf so... ENJOY


I didn't mean what I had said. And I had realized how dumb it was to say that when I continued to think about him. Day in and day out. And the evidence of how the words I said to him had affected him, as it came with the surprises sent to the back door.

I remember the first box we had gotten.

We as in Jerry and I, because not soon after Jackson had left, Markus had too left with a few words to Jerry, and a stern eye my way.

I couldnt put it past myself why Markus and I never really talked. It could be because we just never had the time to do so, but now more than ever I felt a bad vibe from him. And from what I overheard about his son going missing to the Darwins, and now knowing that Gale had a connection to the Darwins, he might think I know something I just wasnt letting up too.

But that wasnt the case at all.

I rememebered the first box arriving like it was yesterday, because the moment still haunts my dreams. It was the same day that both Markus and Jackson had left, and there was a knock on the back door of the bar. I ran down the steps, hoping it was Jackson or something, to apologize, but to my dismay there was a box sitting on the ground.

There was a putrid smell coming from it, and as I brought it inside and opened it, a mortified scream left my system.

There, in the box, was a cut off finger with a ring on it. Attached to the ring was a small note. Immediately Jerry came to me, and took the box into his office, then removed the ring from the finger with gloves and read the note.

On it, it read:

One step closer to revenge.

And since that day, Jerry and I have been getting a package a week. With more fingers and different messages.

It's three weeks later, and our quest to find and connect these messages to Paris kidnapping has still fallen short. The four pieces of paper we have aren't adding up or helping us with that investigation as they all seem to just not fit together.

"Why do I feel more anxious than afraid that we haven't gotten another package yet. It's almost the end of the week." I ran my hand through my now shoulder length hair, and sat up as Jerry still continued to put the messages with eachother, as he has done everyday.

"Because you haven't let the thought of those body parts, being the last of whomever they belonged too creep into your mind yet." Jerry said, not even bothering to look up at me as I bit my cheek and took in a deep breath.

I never even thought of that. Jackson was torturing a man, to send us messages. I couldn't think of anyone who he could possibly be torturing right at this very moment for these messages, and the thought that he could be out there hurting an innocent man just for the pleasure of scaring me with these messages, was sickening.

"Look, I got something here." Jerry said, as I got up from my seat and walked around the glass table, looking at the pieces of paper put together.


"W-What does it mean." I asked, trying to look even harder to find something, anything. And as Jerry confirmed my thoughts with an- "I honestly don't know. But it's a step closer to finding something out."- I felt defeated yet again.

I let out a shaky breath and walked back to my seat. "Ebony, tell me what's happening." Jerry said, sitting in his seat as I gulped and shrugged, not even knowing where to start.

"I-I honestly don't know where to start." I ran my hand through my now shoulder length hair and sighed as Jerry raised a stern eyebrow my way, noticing my stutter.

Jerry has been trying to get that stutter out of my system for a few days now, as he has told me that it'll make me appear more vigilant without it. But once in a while I notice him chuckling at my stutter when it comes back after a while of trying to subdue it.

But what Jerry doesnt know is that I've always stuttered. And honestly I dont think anything can change that.

Just as that thought crossed my mind, there was a bang at the door and I immediately hopped up and ran to it. As I opened it, expecting to only see the package, I instead was shocked to see a guy standing before me.

In a quick moment, he pulled me to him and held a gun to my head.

"Jerry!" I screamed, as I heard rushing and then Jerry hopped down the steps, standing in front of me as I shook in the guys arms.

"What do you want." Jerry said, his voice calm as he looked at the guy in the black hoodie, and then at me. I noticed the way his eyes held a gaze I felt was saying something to me, and just as I was about to do something spontaneous, like kick the guy in the shins and go for the gun, just the way Jerry taught me, the guy had spoken. Making me stop with my eyes wide as I looked up at the guy.

"It's so nice to see you again too Jerry." The guy spoke with a mischievous laugh, as I hesitantly had the thought of this being Jackson. But of course Jackson was much bigger, and I would know his voice.

This guy sounded way different.

"Show your face." Jerry said, looking hard at the guy as in the span of a few moments, as if the guy intended for his appearance to be unveiled to be so dramatic, he let me go as I ran to Jerry, and the guy slid the hood off of his head.

His hair was shaved, to a buzz cut as he then slowly looked up, gun still in hand as he pointed it directly at Jerry and waved.

"It's me, David."

And with those words, he fired the gun.

Aiming right for me.


BEST BE GLAD THIS CHAPTER IS OUT! I honestly [don't like] this chapter, like the fact that it's sooo short, but I needed this chapter to be out right now at this very moment, or I would've kept touching it and trying to revise it, and probably end up scrapping the whole thing.

So, although it is short, get what you can from this short asf chapter, and let me know what you think.

Next chapter may hurt your heart a lil, but also will be an awwwwww moment. *zips lips*

Questions for this smolllll baby chapter...

- What do you think the 'unscramble' of the words meant? [W-I-N-D]

- This David guy, how much of a menace do you think he'll be? ;) Trust me, you won't even want to knowwwww.

Anyways, thanks so much for reading, and I'm sorry if you were expecting a pretty long chapter, this was a quick lil upload wrapping itself up into the next chapter.

But once againnnnnnnnnnnn much loooooove y'all,
- Ellipticall 💕

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