28|a familiar name

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"You've been in your thoughts a lot lately." Markus said, as I stepped away from the door, walking up to him as I watched him type away on the computer, and I sat down on the armrest of the couch and ran my hands down my face.

"I don't know if that's a good or bad thing anymore." I said, as Markus shrugged and kept his eyes on the screen. "If it's getting in the way of our initial mission, then it's a distraction." He turned to me then, "-and you know just as much as me how dangerous distractions are."

At those words I eyed him, taking into consideration what he was saying for once. If he was referring to Ebony, I didn't want to believe that she was a 'Dangerous Distraction.'

It was dangerous to bring her into this life. But I had no other choice when I found out that she was shot.

"What information did you have on Paris and David." I said, changing the subject as I leaned forward and looked at Markus' computer, as he turned back to it with a sigh and an almost hesitant look on his face. Like he wanted to tell me something, but he held back on it.

"I've got an idea, on where Paris could be." He pulled up some folders, and as he clicked on them, a map popped up with red dots on it.

The dots went from out of state, to right around the corner from us.

"This doesn't give us a distinct spot Markus." I felt myself begin to get annoyed with him, but when he tapped a button on his computer some dots disappeared, and left on the map were two red dots that weren't that far away from us.

"How did you find this." I asked, pulling out my phone as I put the addresses in, and Markus sighed. "I've been having this gut feeling to just type in something that Paris told me, awhile back, and when I did, I followed the trail that led me to here." He said, his voice getting softer and softer as I furrowed my eyebrows at what he said.

"And what did she tell you." I asked, as he shook his head. "Now that I can't tell you." He said, as I let out a deep breath and groaned when he did this. "Why tell me that she told you something but don't tell me the shit." I said, utterly pissed off that he'd do something so childish, but he only ignored me as he pulled up another folder on the laptop.

The same folder with the images that we went over before Jerry died, and I tried to convince him that David was still alive.

"The reason why I wanted to talk to you about David, was because I got a hold of some footage and images from a camera in the alley that the police were surveilling." He tapped on a small video clip, and as it rolled up, and he slipped ahead a few hours, it stopped when a large man and girl seemed to be struggling down the alleyway.

"That's Ebony and Jerry." I said, leaning closer to the computer as I watched them. Jerry was practically dragging Ebony along with him, while also holding his own side.

Because the camera was at the far end of the alley, the very end to be exact, it also caught someone walking up behind them. A dark clothed figure, with their hood on and their hands in their pockets.

"Who the hell is that." I said, now watching as Jerry and Ebony finally made it to the end of the alley, and the camera angle moved, where it was now recording Jerry and Ebony. Jerry waved his arm out, and a cab stopped as he opened the door and set Ebony inside.

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